/* Note: This is not a installer example script, it's a script for a simple application used by some of the other examples. */ !define /math ARCBITS ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} * 8 Name "${NAME}" !define /IfNDef OUTFILE "" OutFile "${OUTFILE}" Unicode True !define /IfNDef REL User RequestExecutionLevel ${REL} XPStyle On ManifestDPIAware True AutoCloseWindow True BrandingText " " Caption "$(^Name) (${ARCBITS}-bit)" MiscButtonText " " " " "E&xit" " " LicenseBkColor /windows !ifdef COMPANY !ifndef NOPEVI !define /IfNDef VER VIProductVersion ${VER} VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "FileVersion" "${VER}" VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "CompanyName" "${COMPANY}" VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "LegalCopyright" "${U+00A9} ${COMPANY}" VIAddVersionKey /LANG=0 "FileDescription" "${NAME}" !endif !endif !include WinMessages.nsh !include LogicLib.nsh PageEx License Caption " " LicenseText "$ExeFile$\n$ExePath" "E&xit" PageCallbacks "" OnShow PageExEnd Page InstFiles Function .onInit !ifdef AUMI System::Call 'SHELL32::SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(ws)' "${AUMI}" !endif FunctionEnd Function OnShow FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $hWndParent GetDlgItem $R9 $0 0x3E8 !ifdef MSG SendMessage $R9 ${EM_REPLACESEL} "" "STR:${MSG}$\r$\n$\r$\n" !endif !ifdef TMPLDATA ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$AppData\${NAME}\*" ; Copy template data from the shared source to this users profile CreateDirectory "$AppData\${NAME}" CopyFiles /Silent "${TMPLDATA}\*" "$AppData\${NAME}" ${EndIf} ReadIniStr $2 "$AppData\${NAME}\Data.ini" Example Count IntOp $2 $2 + 1 WriteIniStr "$AppData\${NAME}\Data.ini" Example Count $2 SendMessage $R9 ${EM_REPLACESEL} "" "STR:Launch Count=$2$\r$\n$\r$\n" !endif SendMessage $R9 ${EM_REPLACESEL} "" "STR:CmdLine=$CmdLine$\r$\n" ReadEnvStr $2 "USERNAME" SendMessage $R9 ${EM_REPLACESEL} "" "STR:%USERNAME%=$2$\r$\n" ReadEnvStr $2 "__COMPAT_LAYER" StrCmp $2 "" +2 SendMessage $R9 ${EM_REPLACESEL} "" "STR:Compatibility=$2$\r$\n" FunctionEnd Section SectionEnd