Name "nsDialogs Example" OutFile "nsDialogs Example.exe" Caption "$(^Name)" Unicode True XPStyle on RequestExecutionLevel user !include nsDialogs.nsh !include LogicLib.nsh !include WinCore.nsh ; MAKELONG LicenseText "All the action takes place on the next page..." "Start" SubCaption 0 ": Ready?" Page license Page custom nsDialogsPage Page custom LBPage Page custom RangesPage Page custom NotifyPage Page custom RadioPage RadioLeave !pragma warning disable 8000 ; "Page instfiles not used, no sections will be executed!" Var BUTTON Var EDIT Var CHECKBOX Function nsDialogsPage nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $0 GetFunctionAddress $0 OnBack nsDialogs::OnBack $0 ${NSD_CreateButton} 0 0 100% 12u Test Pop $BUTTON GetFunctionAddress $0 OnClick nsDialogs::OnClick $BUTTON $0 ${NSD_CreateText} 0 35 100% 12u hello Pop $EDIT GetFunctionAddress $0 OnChange nsDialogs::OnChange $EDIT $0 ${NSD_Edit_SetCueBannerText} $EDIT 0 "Type 'hello there' and get a free surprise" ${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 -50 100% 8u Test Pop $CHECKBOX GetFunctionAddress $0 OnCheckbox nsDialogs::OnClick $CHECKBOX $0 ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 40u 75% 40u "* Type `hello there` above.$\n* Click the button.$\n* Check the checkbox.$\n* Hit the Back button." Pop $0 nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function OnClick Pop $0 # HWND MessageBox MB_OK clicky FunctionEnd Function OnChange Pop $0 # HWND System::Call user32::GetWindowText(p$EDIT,t.r0,i${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}) ${If} $0 == "hello there" MessageBox MB_OK "right back at ya" ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function OnBack MessageBox MB_YESNO "are you sure?" IDYES +2 Abort FunctionEnd Function OnCheckbox Pop $0 # HWND MessageBox MB_OK "checkbox clicked" FunctionEnd !macro BeginControlsTestPage title nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $0 ${NSD_SetText} $hWndParent "$(^Name): ${title}" !macroend !macro CreateButton x y w h txt var handler data ${NSD_CreateButton} ${x} ${y} ${w} ${h} "${txt}" Pop ${var} nsDialogs::SetUserData ${var} ${data} ${NSD_OnClick} ${var} ${handler} !macroend Function LBPage !insertmacro BeginControlsTestPage "ListBox" ${NSD_CreateSortedListBox} 1u 0 -2u 70u "" Pop $1 ${NSD_LB_AddString} $1 "Foo" ${NSD_LB_AddString} $1 "Bar" StrCpy $9 1 ${NSD_CreateText} 1u 75u -2u 12u "New item #$9" Pop $EDIT !insertmacro CreateButton 1u 90u 50u 12u "Add (&Sorted)" $0 LBAction Add !insertmacro CreateButton 53u 90u 50u 12u "&Prepend" $0 LBAction Prepend !insertmacro CreateButton 105u 90u 50u 12u "&Append" $0 LBAction Append !insertmacro CreateButton 160u 90u 50u 12u "&Delete Last" $0 LBAction DL !insertmacro CreateButton 215u 90u 50u 12u "&Clear" $0 LBAction Clear nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function LBAction Pop $0 nsDialogs::GetUserData $0 Pop $0 ${NSD_GetText} $EDIT $8 ${Select} $0 ${Case} "Add" ${NSD_LB_AddString} $1 $8 ${Case} "Prepend" ${NSD_LB_PrependString} $1 $8 ${Case} "Append" ${NSD_LB_AppendString} $1 $8 ${Case} "DL" ${NSD_LB_GetCount} $1 $8 ${If} $8 U> 0 IntOp $8 $8 - 1 ${NSD_LB_DelItem} $1 $8 ${EndIf} Return ${Case} "Clear" ${NSD_LB_Clear} $1 Return ${EndSelect} IntOp $9 $9 + 1 ${NSD_SetText} $EDIT "New item #$9" FunctionEnd Function RangesPage !insertmacro BeginControlsTestPage "Ranges" ${NSD_CreateHTrackBar} 1 0 -2 20u "" Pop $1 ${NSD_TrackBar_SetRangeMax} $1 10 ${NSD_TrackBar_SetTicFreq} $1 1 ${NSD_TrackBar_SetPos} $1 3 StrCpy $9 20 ; Progress pos ${NSD_CreateProgressBar} 1 25u -2 8u "" Pop $2 ${NSD_CreateTimer} RangesTimer 1000 ${NSD_CreateNumber} 1 40u 50u 12u "42" Pop $3 ${NSD_CreateUpDown} 0 0 0 0 "" Pop $4 ${NSD_UD_SetBuddy} $4 $3 ${MAKELONG} $5 $0 50 0 ; 0..50 ${NSD_UD_SetPackedRange} $4 $5 nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function RangesTimer IntOp $9 $9 + 5 ${IfThen} $9 > 100 ${|} StrCpy $9 0 ${|} ${NSD_ProgressBar_SetPos} $2 $9 FunctionEnd Function NotifyPage !insertmacro BeginControlsTestPage "WM_NOTIFY" nsDialogs::CreateControl "${__NSD_RichEdit_CLASS_20A}" "${__NSD_RichEdit_STYLE}" "${__NSD_RichEdit_EXSTYLE}" 1 1 -2 50u "" ; Forcing ANSI control, see Pop $9 ${NSD_OnNotify} $9 OnNotify IntOp $8 ${ENM_LINK} | ${ENM_KEYEVENTS} ${NSD_RichEd_SetEventMask} $9 $8 SendMessage $9 ${EM_AUTOURLDETECT} 1 0 ${NSD_SetText} $9 "{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}\f0\pard\par {\b Click the link!}\par\par Type something and I will block every other character...}" ${NSD_InitCommonControlsEx} ${ICC_DATE_CLASSES} ${NSD_CreateDatePicker} 1% 55u 48% 12u "" Pop $1 ${NSD_OnNotify} $1 onDateTimeNotify ${NSD_CreateLabel} 51% 56u 48% 12u "Change the date..." Pop $9 /* ${NSD_CreateCalendar} 1% 23% 150u 90u "" Pop $1 ${NSD_AddStyle} $1 ${MCS_NOTODAY} System::Call 'USER32::SendMessage(p$1, i${MCM_GETMINREQRECT}, p0, @r2)' System::Call '*$2(i,i,i.r2,i.r3)' #System::Call 'USER32::SendMessage(p$1, i${MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH}, p0, *i0r4)' #${IfThen} $4 > $2 ${|} StrCpy $2 $4 ${|} System::Call 'USER32::SetWindowPos(p$1,p0,i,i,ir2,ir3,i0x16)' */ nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function OnNotify Pop $1 ; HWND Pop $2 ; Code Pop $3 ; NMHDR* ${If} $2 = ${EN_LINK} System::Call '*$3(p,p,p,p.r2,p,p,i.r4,i.r5)' ; Extract from ENLINK* ${IfThen} $2 <> ${WM_LBUTTONDOWN} ${|} Return ${|} IntOp $2 $5 - $4 System::Call '*(ir4,ir5,l,&t$2,i)p.r2' ; Create TEXTRANGE and a text buffer ${If} $2 P<> 0 IntPtrOp $3 $2 + 16 ; Find buffer System::Call '*$2(i,i,p$3)' ; Set buffer in TEXTRANGE SendMessage $1 ${EM_GETTEXTRANGE} "" $2 $4 ${If} $4 <> 0 System::Call 'SHELL32::ShellExecute(p$hWndParent, p0, pr3, p0, p0, i 1)' ${EndIf} System::Free $2 ${EndIf} ${ElseIf} $2 = ${EN_MSGFILTER} Var /Global Toggle System::Call '*$3(p,i,i,i.r4)' ; MSGFILTER->msg ${If} $4 = ${WM_CHAR} IntOp $Toggle $Toggle ^ 1 ${If} $Toggle & 1 ${NSD_Return} 1 ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function onDateTimeNotify Pop $1 ; HWND Pop $2 ; Code Pop $3 ; NMHDR* ${If} $2 = ${DTN_DATETIMECHANGE} System::Call 'USER32::SendMessage(p$1, i${DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME}, p0, @r3)i.r0' ${If} $0 = ${GDT_VALID} System::Call '*$3(&i2.R1, &i2.R2, &i2, &i2.R3, &i2, &i2, &i2, &i2)' ; SYSTEMTIME StrCpy $0 "$R1/$R2/$R3" ${Else} StrCpy $0 "N/A" ${EndIf} ${NSD_SetText} $9 $0 ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function RadioPage !insertmacro BeginControlsTestPage "Radio buttons" ; Group 1 ${NSD_CreateFirstRadioButton} 4u 0 40% 6% "NPR" Pop $1 ${NSD_OnClick} $1 onStationChanged ${NSD_CreateAdditionalRadioButton} 4u 12% 40% 6% "BBC" Pop $2 ${NSD_OnClick} $2 onStationChanged ${NSD_CreateLabel} 4u 30u 80% 12u "" Pop $3 ; Group 2 ${NSD_CreateFirstRadioButton} 4u 50u 50% 12u "FM" Pop $4 ${NSD_CreateAdditionalRadioButton} 4u 64u 50% 12u "AM" Pop $5 SendMessage $4 ${BM_CLICK} "" "" ; Must select a default SendMessage $2 ${BM_CLICK} "" "" ; Must select a default nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function onStationChanged Pop $0 ${NSD_GetText} $0 $0 ${If} $0 == "NPR" ${NSD_SetText} $3 "America, f*(# yeah!" ${Else} ${NSD_SetText} $3 "Keep Calm and Carry On" ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function RadioLeave ${NSD_GetChecked} $5 $0 ${If} $0 <> 0 MessageBox MB_YESNO "Are you sure you want to keep living in the past?" IDYES +2 Abort ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Section SectionEnd