Windows Vista Folder Selection
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!include "LogicLib.nsh" Name "test" OutFile "test.exe" XPStyle on ShowInstDetails show RequestExecutionLevel user Page instfiles Function BrowseForFolder !define CLSID_FileOpenDialog {DC1C5A9C-E88A-4DDE-A5A1-60F82A20AEF7} !define IID_IFileDialog {42F85136-DB7E-439C-85F1-E4075D135FC8} !define CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER 1 !define FOS_PICKFOLDERS 32 !define FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM 64 !define SIGDN_FILESYSPATH 2147844096 Push $4 Push $3 Push $2 Push $1 Push $0 System::Call "ole32::CoCreateInstance(g '${CLSID_FileOpenDialog}', i 0, i ${CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER}, g '${IID_IFileDialog}', *i .r0) i.r1" ${If} $1 == 0 StrCpy $4 "error" System::Call "$0->9(i ${FOS_PICKFOLDERS}|${FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM}) i.r1" ; IFileDialog::SetOptions ${If} $1 <> 0 System::Call "$0->2()" ; IFileDialog::Release Goto end ${EndIf} System::Call "$0->3(i 0) i.r1" ; IFileDialog::Show ${If} $1 <> 0 System::Call "$0->2()" ; IFileDialog::Release Goto end ${EndIf} System::Call "$0->20(*i .r2) i.r1" ; IFileDialog::GetResult System::Call "$0->2()" ; IFileDialog::Release ${If} $1 == 0 System::Call "$2->5(i ${SIGDN_FILESYSPATH}, *i .r3) i.r1" ; IShellItem::GetDisplayName ${If} $1 == 0 System::Call "*$3(&w${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN} .r4)" System::Call "ole32::CoTaskMemFree(i $3)" ${EndIf} System::Call "$2->2()" ; IShellItem::Release ${EndIf} ${Else} ; fallback for pre-Vista Windows version nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog "" "" Pop $4 ${EndIf} end: Pop $0 Pop $1 Pop $2 Pop $3 Exch $4 FunctionEnd Section "" Call BrowseForFolder Pop $0 DetailPrint $0 SectionEnd