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= Pages that have contributed by user Red Wine =

== NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator ==
NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator is a tool that helps users to prepare and create their software installation.<BR>
The preparation of the script is fully customisable, allowing users to set up and modify their desired preferences.<BR>
[[NSIS_Quick_Setup_Script_Generator|NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator Page]]
== NSIS SFX Package Builder ==
SFX Package creator written in whole using NSIS scripting lang.<BR>
[[NSIS_SFX_Package_Builder|NSIS SFX Package Builder page]]
== One Installer with Different Installation Files Each Time ==
A generic setup script to install some patches for an application.<BR>
An installation skeleton who takes the files for the installation on compile time.<BR>
[[One_Installer_with_Different_Installation_Files_Each_Time|One Installer with Different Installation Files Each Time Page]]
== NSIS Installation Protection ==
A research on how a NSIS Installer could be protected.<BR>
An installer who counts the run times and expires after n times.<BR>
[[NSIS_Installation_Protection|NSIS Installation Protection Page]]
== NSIS Beyond a Traditional Installation ==
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how NSIS coding could be useful beyond the traditional creation of an installation.<BR>
[[NSIS_Beyond_a_Traditional_Installation|NSIS Beyond a Traditional Installation Page]]
== Uninstall Renamed-Moved-Copied Shortcuts ==
A research on which is the best method to uninstall created shortcuts that have been renamed and/or moved/copied.<BR>
[[Uninstall_Renamed-Moved-Copied_Shortcuts|Uninstall Renamed-Moved-Copied Shortcuts]]
== InstallOptions The Usage of NOTIFY Flag ==
A full working example on how to manage the NOTIFY flag of an InstallOptions Custom Page.<BR>
[[InstallOptions_The_Usage_of_NOTIFY_Flag|InstallOptions The Usage of NOTIFY Flag]]
== Setting Environment Variables Examples ==
Two examples about setting environment variables that are based on [[Setting Environment Variables]] by [[user:kichik|KiCHiK]].<BR>
[[Setting_Environment_Variables_Examples|Setting Environment Variables Examples]]
== Changing Title and Subtitle Fonts on MUI Pages ==
Code example on how to change the title and subtitle fonts under certain target's screen resolutions. <BR>Affects the parent dialog of MUI standard pages.<BR>
[[Changing_Title_and_Subtitle_Fonts_on_MUI_Pages|Changing Title and Subtitle Fonts on MUI Pages]]
== Custom Dialog Free Space Summary of all Drives ==
Code example on how to create a custom dialog that shows a summary of target's required space and free space for all drives.<BR>
[[Custom_Dialog_Free_Space_Summary_of_all_Drives|Custom Dialog Free Space Summary of all Drives]]
== Adding 3 Extra Text Lines on MUI Welcome-Finish Pages ==
Code example on how to add 3 lines extra text for the MUI Welcome-Finish pages.<BR>
[[Adding_3_Extra_Text_Lines_on_MUI_Welcome-Finish_Pages|Adding 3 Extra Text Lines on MUI Welcome-Finish Pages]]
== Common Installation with Components Choise ==
Code example on how to create a common installation with required components choise.<BR>
[[Common_Installation_with_Components_Choise|Common Installation with Components Choise]]
== Managing Sections on Runtime ==
Code example on how to manage sections on runtime.<BR>
[[Managing_Sections_on_Runtime|Managing Sections on Runtime]]
== Installer for Successional Installations ==
Code example that demonstrates, how to create an installer that is able to download and install several programs.<BR>
[[Installer_for_Successional_Installations|Installer for Successional Installations]]
== Retrieving Connected Mapped Network Drives ==
Just a simple function that retrieves from registry the mapped network drives on a system, and returns only those that are actually connected.<BR>
[[Retrieving_Connected_Mapped_Network_Drives|Retrieving Connected Mapped Network Drives]]
== Adding DropList with available drives instead of directory page ==
Code example on how to add a droplist with available drives instead of adding the directory page. Calculates the free space of every drive and adds only those drives that they have enough space for the uncompressed installation.<BR>
[[Adding_DropList_with_available_drives_instead_of_directory_page|Adding DropList with available drives instead of directory page]]
== Demonstrating Page's Custom Functions Pre Show Leave ==
Script example that demonstrates several but not all possible usages of the custom functions PRE SHOW LEAVE that could be used to manage installer pages.<BR>
[[Demonstrating_Page%27s_Custom_Functions_Pre_Show_Leave|Demonstrating Page's Custom Functions Pre Show Leave]]
== Readme Page Based on MUI License Page ==
NSIS header that shows the user a readme page based on the MUI license page.<BR>
[[Readme_Page_Based_on_MUI_License_Page|Readme Page Based on MUI License Page]]

Revision as of 13:53, 19 January 2007