InstallOptions The Usage of NOTIFY Flag: Difference between revisions

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== The Code ==
== The Code ==
outfile 'CheckboxNotify.exe'
outfile 'CheckboxNotify.exe'
showinstdetails show
showinstdetails show

Revision as of 08:46, 22 July 2011

Author: Red Wine (talk, contrib)


The following example on how to manage the NOTIFY flag of an InstallOptions Custom Page, provided as a starting point for the subject at this forum thread.

The Code

<highlight- outfile 'CheckboxNotify.exe' showinstdetails show licenseData '${NSISDIR}\License.txt'

!defin !include WinMessages.nsh !include LogicLib.nsh

page license page custom CustomCreate CustomLeave page instfiles

section -


function .onInit initpluginsdir gettempfilename $0 rename $0 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' call WriteIni functionend

function CustomCreate push $R1 ;park contains of $R1 to the stack InstallOptions::InitDialog /NOUNLOAD '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' pop $R1 ;$R1 contains the dialog HWND GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1 EnableWindow $R0 0 InstallOptions::Show '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' pop $R1 ;$R1 contains the pressed button pop $R1 ;$R1 contains the the path to the custom.ini pop $R1 ;$R1 got back the value from stack functionend

function CustomLeave readinistr $0 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Settings' 'State' ${if} $0 == 1 readinistr $1 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Text' readinistr $2 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 5' 'HWND' readinistr $3 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'State' ${if} $3 == 1 SendMessage $2 ${WM_SETTEXT} 1 'STR:$1' GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1 EnableWindow $R0 1 ${else} SendMessage $2 ${WM_SETTEXT} 1 'STR:${NOCHECKED_TEXT}' GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1 EnableWindow $R0 0 ${endif} readinistr $2 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'HWND' SendMessage $2 ${BM_SETCHECK} 0 0 readinistr $2 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'HWND' SendMessage $2 ${BM_SETCHECK} 0 0 abort ${elseif} $0 == 2 readinistr $1 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Text' readinistr $2 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 5' 'HWND' readinistr $3 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'State' ${if} $3 == 1 SendMessage $2 ${WM_SETTEXT} 1 'STR:$1' GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1 EnableWindow $R0 1 ${else} SendMessage $2 ${WM_SETTEXT} 1 'STR:${NOCHECKED_TEXT}' GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1 EnableWindow $R0 0 ${endif} readinistr $2 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'HWND' SendMessage $2 ${BM_SETCHECK} 0 0 readinistr $2 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'HWND' SendMessage $2 ${BM_SETCHECK} 0 0 abort ${elseif} $0 == 3 readinistr $1 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Text' readinistr $2 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 5' 'HWND' readinistr $3 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'State' ${if} $3 == 1 SendMessage $2 ${WM_SETTEXT} 1 'STR:$1' GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1 EnableWindow $R0 1 ${else} SendMessage $2 ${WM_SETTEXT} 1 'STR:${NOCHECKED_TEXT}' GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1 EnableWindow $R0 0 ${endif} readinistr $2 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'HWND' SendMessage $2 ${BM_SETCHECK} 0 0 readinistr $2 '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'HWND' SendMessage $2 ${BM_SETCHECK} 0 0 abort ${endif} functionend

function WriteIni WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Settings' 'NumFields' '5'

WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Type' 'Checkbox' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Left' '2' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Top' '2' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Right' '100' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Bottom' '14' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Text' 'Checkbox one' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'State' '0' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 1' 'Flags' 'NOTIFY'

WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Type' 'Checkbox' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Left' '2' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Top' '18' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Right' '100' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Bottom' '32' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Text' 'Checkbox two' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'State' '0' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 2' 'Flags' 'NOTIFY'

WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Type' 'Checkbox' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Left' '2' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Top' '36' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Right' '100' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Bottom' '50' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Text' 'Checkbox three' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'State' '0' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 3' 'Flags' 'NOTIFY'

WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 4' 'Type' 'GroupBox' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 4' 'Left' '30' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 4' 'Top' '70' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 4' 'Right' '-31' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 4' 'Bottom' '120' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 4' 'Text' 'Select Checkbox'

WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 5' 'Type' 'Text' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 5' 'Left' '40' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 5' 'Top' '90' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 5' 'Right' '-41' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 5' 'Bottom' '105' WriteIniStr '$PLUGINSDIR\custom.ini' 'Field 5' 'State' '${NOCHECKED_TEXT}' Functionend </highlight-nsis>


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Permission is granted to anyone to use this script for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The origin of this script must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original code. If you use this script in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
  2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original script.
  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.