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Revision as of 15:11, 27 December 2005

Author: sl (talk, contrib)

nsSCM stands for Service Control Manager.

This plugin can be used to install/remove services, start or stop them and check their current status. Useful if you want to install a background service or a driver.

The new version fixes a bug which prevented nsSCM to install a service under a specified account.


NsSCM.zip (8 KB) The ZIP file containing a precompiled plugin DLL (to be saved in NSIS' plugin directory) and the sources.

Short Reference

Available commands:

nsSCM::Install [name_of_service] [display_name] [service_type] [start_type] [service_commandline] [load_order_group] [dependencies] [account] [password]
nsSCM::Start [name_of_service] 
nsSCM::Stop [name_of_service] 
nsSCM::QueryStatus [name_of_service] 
nsSCM::Remove [name_of_service]


  • name_of_service - the name of the service used for Start/Stop commands and all further nsSCM commands
  • display_name - the name as shown in the service control manager applet in system control
  • service_type - one of the following codes
    • 1 - device driver
    • 16 - service
  • start_type - one of the following codes
    • 0 - driver boot stage start
    • 1 - driver sscm stage start
    • 2 - service auto start
    • 3 - driver/service manual start
  • service_commandline - the path to the binary including all necessary parameters
  • load_order_group - controls the order of service starts
  • dependencies - needed services, controls which services have to be started before this one
  • account - the account which should be used to run the service
  • password - password of the aforementioned account to be able to logon as a service

If you do not specify account/password, the local system account will be used to run the service.

The Sample Script

; Turn off old selected section
; Methods:
  ; 1 str	2 str 3 num 4 num 5 str 6 str 7 str 8 str 9 str
  ; [name of service: startstop name] [name to display: display in SCM]
  ;    [service type] [start type] [service's binary:filepath]
  ;    [load order group: name] [dependencies: name] [account: name] [password: str]
  nsSCM::Install /NOUNLOAD [parameters]
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  ; [name of service:startstop name]
  nsSCM::Start /NOUNLOAD [parameters]
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  ; [name of service:startstop name]
  nsSCM::QueryStatus /NOUNLOAD [parameters]
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  Pop $1 ; return service status
  ;!define SERVICE_STOPPED                0x00000001
  ;!define SERVICE_START_PENDING          0x00000002
  ;!define SERVICE_STOP_PENDING           0x00000003
  ;!define SERVICE_RUNNING                0x00000004
  ;!define SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING       0x00000005
  ;!define SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING          0x00000006
  ;!define SERVICE_PAUSED                 0x00000007
  ; [name of service:startstop name]
  nsSCM::Stop /NOUNLOAD [parameters]
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  ; [name of service:startstop name]
  nsSCM::Remove /NOUNLOAD [parameters]
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
; Samples:
  ; Driver (boot stage starting)
  nsSCM::Install /NOUNLOAD "XXX" "XXX driver" 1 0 \
                           "$SYSDIR\drivers\XXX.sys" "" "" "" ""
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  ; Driver (sscm stage starting)
  nsSCM::Install /NOUNLOAD "XXX" "XXX driver" 1 1 \
                           "$SYSDIR\drivers\XXX.sys" "" "" "" ""
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  ; Driver (manual starting)
  nsSCM::Install /NOUNLOAD "XXX" "XXX driver" 1 3 \
                           "$SYSDIR\drivers\XXX.sys" "" ""
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  ; Service (auto starting)
  nsSCM::Install /NOUNLOAD "XXX" "XXX service" 16 2 \
                           "$PROGRAMFILES\${PRJ_NAME}\XXX.exe" "" ""
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  ; Service (manual starting)
  nsSCM::Install /NOUNLOAD "XXX" "XXX service" 16 3 \
                           "$PROGRAMFILES\${PRJ_NAME}\XXX.exe" "" ""
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  nsSCM::Start /NOUNLOAD "XXX"
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  nsSCM::QueryStatus /NOUNLOAD
  Pop $0 ; return error/success
  Pop $1 ; return service status
  IntCmp $1 4 lbl_Return ; check on running