Check open ports
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Below is a function allowing you to test for open UDP and TCP ports on the local computer. Use this to check if the user selected port is free, if Apache can run with the default configuration or if your favorite port hasn't been stolen by another.
This code uses iphlpapi.dll which is only available on Windows 98 and above and NT 4.0 SP4 and above.
First, save Ports.nsh from the code snippet at the end of this page to Ports.nsh. Next, include it into your script.
!include "Ports.nsh"
Now, to check for open TCP ports, use the following.
${Unless} ${TCPPortOpen} 80 MessageBox MB_OK "httpd running" ${EndUnless}
To check for open UDP ports, only a slight modification is required.
${If} ${UDPPortOpen} 1337 MessageBox MB_OK "leet port open :)" ${EndIf}
# Usage: # Push "Tcp" or "Udp" # Push "port_number" # Call IsPortOpen # Pop $0 ; "open" or "closed" or anything else for error # # Or with the LogicLib # ${If} ${TCPPortOpen} 80 # ${EndIf} # ${If} ${UDPPortOpen} 137 # ${EndIf} # Function IsPortOpen Exch $R0 # port to check Exch Exch $R1 Push $0 Push $1 Push $2 System::Call 'iphlpapi::Get$R1Table(*i.r0, *i .r1, i 1) i .r2' ${If} $2 != 122 # ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER StrCpy $R0 "" Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 Exch $R1 Exch Exch $R0 Return ${EndIf} System::Alloc $1 Pop $0 System::Call 'iphlpapi::Get$R1Table(ir0, *i r1, i 1) i .r2' ${If} $2 != 0 # NO_ERROR System::Free $0 StrCpy $R0 "" Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 Exch $R1 Exch Exch $R0 Return ${EndIf} Push $3 Push $4 Push $5 System::Call *$0(i.r2) IntOp $2 $2 - 1 ${For} $3 0 $2 IntOp $4 $0 + 4 # skip dwNumEntries ${If} $R1 == "Tcp" IntOp $5 $3 * 20 # sizeof(MIB_TCPROW) IntOp $4 $4 + $5 # skip to entry System::Call *$4(i.r1,i,i.r4,i,i) ${If} $1 <> 2 # $1 = dwState, 2 = MIB_TCP_STATE_LISTEN ${Continue} ${EndIf} ${Else} IntOp $5 $3 * 8 # sizeof(MIB_UDPROW) IntOp $4 $4 + $5 # skip to entry System::Call *$4(i,i.r4) ${EndIf} !if "${NSIS_PACKEDVERSION}" >= 50343936 ; v3.3+ System::Call ws2_32::ntohs(hr4)h.r4 !else System::Call ws2_32::ntohs(ir4)i.r4 IntOp $4 $4 & 0xffff ; Truncate to 16-bits !endif ${If} $4 = $R0 StrCpy $R0 "open" ${Break} ${EndIf} ${Next} ${If} $R0 != "open" StrCpy $R0 "closed" ${EndIf} System::Free $0 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 Exch $R1 Exch Exch $R0 FunctionEnd # LogicLib macros for IsPortOpen !include LogicLib.nsh !macro _PortOpen _a _b _t _f !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP Push `${_a}` Push `${_b}` Call IsPortOpen Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP !insertmacro _== $_LOGICLIB_TEMP "open" `${_t}` `${_f}` !macroend !define PortOpen `PortOpen` !macro _TCPPortOpen _a _b _t _f !insertmacro _PortOpen Tcp `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` !macroend !define TCPPortOpen `"" TCPPortOpen` !macro _UDPPortOpen _a _b _t _f !insertmacro _PortOpen Udp `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` !macroend !define UDPPortOpen `"" UDPPortOpen`