Component Manager

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Official Website


Version: 0.1.051117.

Component Manager is a totally new and different way of handling sections. It is used to create a complete and automatically generated modification, repair, and uninstallation system. Component Manager uses several special commands that replace their standard NSIS counterparts, allowing for dynamic generation of scripts that control repair, maintenance, removal, and modification (adding/removing components).

Component Manager has been tested with the ExperienceUI, Modern UI, and UltraModern UI, but Modern UI support is somewhat limited because the window size is smaller than the ExperienceUI or UltraModern UI.

Still to come...

Component Manager is far from finished. In fact, it's just starting to get to a point where it even works somewhere off my own computer. I am currently working on support for a Start Menu shortcut system, registry key creation, read-only (required) sections, and updated documentation for version 0.2.


GNU Lesser General Public License