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Chapter 3: Command Line Usage

3.1 MakeNSIS Usage

NSIS installers are generated by using the 'MakeNSIS' program to compile a NSIS script (.NSI) into an installer executable. The NSIS development kit installer sets up your computer so that you can compile a .nsi file by simply right-clicking on it in Explorer and selecting 'compile'.

If you want to use MakeNSIS on the command line, the syntax of makensis is:

makensis [ option | script.nsi | - ] [...]

3.1.1 Options

3.1.2 Notes

3.1.3 Environment variables

makensis checks a number of environment variables that tell it where to locate the things it needs in order to create installers. These variables include:

3.1.4 Examples

Basic usage:

makensis.exe myscript.nsi

Quiet mode:

makensis.exe /V1 myscript.nsi

Force compressor:

makensis.exe /X"SetCompressor /FINAL lzma" myscript.nsi

Change script behavior:

makensis.exe /DUSE_UPX /DVERSION=1.337 /DNO_IMAGES myscript.nsi

Parameters order:

makensis /XSection sectioncontents.nsi /XSectionEnd

3.2 Installer Usage

Generated installers and uninstallers accept a few options on the command line. These options give the user a bit more control over the installation process.

3.2.1 Common Options

3.2.2 Uninstaller Specific Options

3.2.3 Examples

installer.exe /NCRC
installer.exe /S
installer.exe /D=C:\Program Files\NSIS
installer.exe /NCRC /S /D=C:\Program Files\NSIS
uninstaller.exe /S _?=C:\Program Files\NSIS
# uninstall old version
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\uninstaller.exe" /S _?=$INSTDIR'
Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstaller.exe"

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