EnVar plug-in

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Author: JasonFriday13 (talk, contrib)


Plugin package:
EnVar_plugin.zip (36 KB)

Forum thread


Basically this plugin allows you to check for environment variables, check for paths in those variables, add and remove paths, delete environment variables, and update the installer environment if the windows environment has changed.

Just extract the contents to your nsis directory (usually '$PROGRAMFILES\NSIS').

Sample Usage

Name "EnVar Example"
OutFile "EnVarExample.exe"
RequestExecutionLevel User
ShowInstDetails Show
Page InstFiles
Unicode True
  ; Check for write access
  EnVar::Check "NULL" "NULL"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::Check write access HKCU returned=|$0|"
  ; Set to HKLM

  ; Check for write access
  EnVar::Check "NULL" "NULL"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::Check write access HKLM returned=|$0|"
  ; Set back to HKCU
  DetailPrint "EnVar::SetHKCU"
  ; Check if the 'temp' variable exists in EnVar::SetHKxx
  EnVar::Check "temp" "NULL"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::Check returned=|$0|"
  ; Append a value
  EnVar::AddValue "ZTestVariable" "C:\Test"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
  EnVar::AddValue "ZTestVariable" "C:\TestJas"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
  EnVar::AddValue "ZTestVariable1" "C:\Test"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
  ; Append an expanded value (REG_EXPAND_SZ)
  EnVar::AddValueEx "ZTestVariable1" "C:\Test"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
  EnVar::AddValueEx "ZTestVariable1" "C:\TestVariable"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
  ; Delete a value from a variable
  EnVar::DeleteValue "ZTestVariable1" "C:\Test"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::DeleteValue returned=|$0|"
  EnVar::DeleteValue "ZTestVariable1" "C:\Test"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::DeleteValue returned=|$0|"
  EnVar::DeleteValue "ZTestVariable1" "C:\TestJason"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::DeleteValue returned=|$0|"
  ; Delete a variable
  EnVar::Delete "ZTestVariable"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::Delete returned=|$0|"
  ; Try deleting "path", this should give an error (%path% is a shared resource)
  EnVar::Delete "path"
  Pop $0
  DetailPrint "EnVar::Delete returned=|$0|"