Function that makes absolute paths from relative ones

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Author: romca (talk, contrib)


This function modifies configuration files. It finds relative paths and changes them to be absolute.

How To Use

Push "/" ;what makes a directory delimiter - i.e. backslash "\", or forward slash "/", or "::" 
Push "D:/MyApplication/onCD/Dir2"				;the base directory (where do I stand?) - must have the same delimiters as above
Push "C:\MyApplication\configuration.conf"	;the file that will be modified
Call MakeAbsolutePath

This will result in:

"./swish-e.exe"   => "D:/MyApplication/onCD/Dir2/swish-e.exe"
"../swish-e.exe"  => "D:/MyApplication/onCD/swish-e.exe"
'./swish-e.exe'   => './swish-e.exe'
"../../../index.swish-e" => "D:/index.swish-e"

And in this nonsense:

"../../../../../../../index.swish-e" => "D:/../../../../index.swish-e"

It is up to you to check if the relative address is correct and you should not use this "./../../myfile.exe". The function is not so clever. You can use "." or ".." but not both in one string.

You can use forward as well as backward slashes, colons, semicolons - whatever you want to delimit directories, but it must to be found in your conf files and in the string that you are passing on to the function. If you do not want to replace something, enclose it in single quotation marks '../../swish-e.exe'

The function doesn't modify variables, but needs the three subfunctions that start with rca - do dot remove them.


Push "/" 
Push "$EXEDIR\myplace"	
Push "C:\MyApplication\configuration.conf"	
Call MakeAbsolutePath

The Functions (MakeAbsolutePath + rca*)

Function MakeAbsolutePath
Exch $0 ;the file to search in
Exch $1 ;the manipulated string
Exch 2
Exch $2 ;the directory delimiter
Push $3
Push $4
Push $5
Push $6
Push $R1
Push $R2
Push $R3
Push $R4
Push $R5
	StrCpy $3 ""
	StrCpy $4 ""
	StrCpy $5 ""
	StrCpy $6 ""
	StrCpy $R1 ""
	StrCpy $R2 ""
	StrCpy $R3 ""
	StrCpy $R4 ""
	StrCpy $R5 ""
	StrCpy $R3 $1	;the base directory
	StrCpy $5 $2   ;delimiter
		#we start to search for ..$5 (../) - from the short to the longest (../../../.....)
		StrCpy $R1 "..$5"
		Push $0
		Push "$\"$R1"
		Call rcaFileSearch
		;get things out of the stack after the rcaFileSearch finished
			Pop $3
			Pop $2
			Pop $4 
	#DetailPrint " function rcaFileSearch found($\"$R1) ? :($3), ($2) occurrences  in ($4) rows";
		StrCmp $3 yes 0 this_check 	
			StrCpy $R2 $R1	;if we found short, we will try to find a longer one
			StrCpy $R1 "$R1..$5"			
			Goto loop_dir
			StrCmp $R2 "" single_dir 0
			StrCpy $R1 $R2					;the latest successful string eg.    "../../../"
			Strlen $R2 $R1	;its length
			Strlen $6 $5
			IntOp $6 $6 + 2
			IntOp $R4 $R2 / $6 	;the number of directories in string eg. 6/3=2 
				#DetailPrint "the number of directories in the string that will be cut off ($R4)"
				#here we have the longest string and the number of directories we may cut off from the base dir
				Strlen $3 $R3
				StrCpy $1 0
				StrCpy $2 0
				IfErrors single_dir
				IntOp $1 $1 - 1 
					StrCmp "$1" "-255" bezpecnostni_pojistka   ;emergency check, decrease the number of found directories and start again
					StrCpy $R5 $R3 1 $1	
					StrCmp $R5 "$5" 0 Small_loop
						IntOp $2 $2 + 1				
						StrCmp $2 $R4 0 Small_loop	;if the number of loops equals to the number of directories
							IntOp $6 $3 + $1 			
							StrCpy $R5 $R3 $6
							StrCpy $R5 "$R5$5"
							Push "$\"$R1" #text to be replaced , adding \"
							Push "$\"$R5" #replace with 
							Push all #replace all occurrences 
							Push all #replace all occurrences 
							Push $0 #file to replace in 
							Call rcaAdvReplaceInFile 
								IntOp $R4 $R4 - 1
								StrCpy $R1 $R1 -3
								StrCmp $R4 0 "" Big_loop
		StrCpy $R3 "$R3$5"
		Push "$\".$5" #text to be replaced 
		Push "$\"$R3" #replace with 
		Push all #replace all occurrences 
		Push all #replace all occurrences 
		Push $0 #file to replace in 
	Call rcaAdvReplaceInFile 
Pop $R5
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $4
Pop $3
Pop $0
Pop $2
Pop $1
;------------------- + -----------------------
Function rcaFileSearch 
#this function was written by -Stu (Afrow UK) 
#and is accessible from nsis web pages
Exch $0 ;search for
Exch $1 ;input file
Push $2
Push $3
Push $4
Push $5
Push $6
Push $7
Push $8
Push $9
Push $R0
  FileOpen $2 $1 r
  StrLen $4 $0
  StrCpy $5 0
  StrCpy $7 no
  StrCpy $8 0
  StrCpy $9 0
  FileRead $2 $3
  IfErrors done
 IntOp $R0 $R0 + $9
  StrCpy $9 0
  StrCpy $5 0
 IntOp $5 $5 - 1
  StrCpy $6 $3 $4 $5
  StrCmp $6 "" loop_main
  StrCmp $6 $0 0 filter_top
  StrCpy $3 $3 $5
  StrCpy $5 0
 StrCpy $7 yes
 StrCpy $9 1
 IntOp $8 $8 + 1
Goto filter_top
  FileClose $2
  StrCpy $0 $8
  StrCpy $1 $7
  StrCpy $2 $R0
Pop $R0
Pop $9
Pop $8
Pop $7
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $4
Pop $3
;Exch 2
Exch $2 ;output number of lines
Exch 2
Exch $0 ;output yes/no
Exch $1 ;output count found
;------------------- + -----------------------
Function rcaAdvReplaceInFile
#again, written by Afrow UK 2003-05-18
#I think that there is problem when you do not want to replace all occurrences of text
#but this is not my case
Exch $0 ;file to replace in
Exch $1 ;number to replace after
Exch 2
Exch $2 ;replace and onwards
Exch 2
Exch 3
Exch $3 ;replace with
Exch 3
Exch 4
Exch $4 ;to replace
Exch 4
Push $5 ;minus count
Push $6 ;universal
Push $7 ;end string
Push $8 ;left string
Push $9 ;right string
Push $R0 ;file1
Push $R1 ;file2
Push $R2 ;read
Push $R3 ;universal
Push $R4 ;count (onwards)
Push $R5 ;count (after)
Push $R6 ;temp file name
  GetTempFileName $R6
  FileOpen $R1 $0 r ;file to search in
  FileOpen $R0 $R6 w ;temp file
   StrLen $R3 $4
   StrCpy $R4 -1
   StrCpy $R5 -1
 FileRead $R1 $R2 ;read line
 IfErrors exit
   StrCpy $5 0
   StrCpy $7 $R2
   IntOp $5 $5 - 1
   StrCpy $6 $7 $R3 $5 ;search
   StrCmp $6 "" file_write1			;here was "file_write2"
   StrCmp $6 $4 0 loop_filter
 StrCpy $8 $7 $5 ;left part		
 IntOp $6 $5 + $R3
 StrCpy $9 $7 "" $6 ;right part
   StrLen $6 $7
 StrCpy $7 $8$3$9 ;re-join
;	DetailPrint "-$6 $5 $7"
   StrCmp -$6 $5 0 loop_filter
IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1
StrCmp $2 all file_write1
StrCmp $R4 $2 0 file_write2
IntOp $R4 $R4 - 1
IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1
StrCmp $1 all file_write1
StrCmp $R5 $1 0 file_write1
IntOp $R5 $R5 - 1
Goto file_write2
FileWrite $R0 $7 ;write modified line
Goto loop_read
 FileWrite $R0 $R2 ;write unmodified line
Goto loop_read
  FileClose $R0
  FileClose $R1
  SetDetailsPrint none
  Delete $0
  Rename $R6 $0
  Delete $R6
  SetDetailsPrint both
Pop $R6
Pop $R5
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $R0
Pop $9
Pop $8
Pop $7
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $0
Pop $1
Pop $2
Pop $3
Pop $4
Function rcaChangeBackslash
	Exch $R1 ;string to search in
	Push $R2
	Push $R3
	Push $1
		StrCpy $R2 ""
		StrCpy $R3 ""
   StrCpy "$1" 0   							#counter
;	GetFullPathName /SHORT $R1 $9
		StrCpy "$R2" "$R1" 1 "$1"
		StrCmp "$R2" "" Konec "" 
		StrCmp "$R2" "\" "" +2
		StrCpy "$R2" "/"
		StrCpy "$R3" "$R3$R2"
		IntOp "$1" "$1" + 1
		Goto Znovu
	StrCpy $R1 $R3
	Pop $1
	Pop $R3
	Pop $R2
	Exch $R1

(rca 2004-04)
Good luck.