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IsGTKSharpInstalled is a function I wrote to let me know if GTKSharp is installed on a computer. I had a hard time getting some of the registry search functions to work, so while waiting for someone to assist me in that, I went ahead and wrote this function to get the job done in the meantime. It seems to work pretty well so far.

What it does

It searches all of the keys in the HKLM/Software/Novell tree, looking for a registry entry called "GtkSharpIsInstalled". This can be found in a number of products (such as Mono, Gtk-Sharp and Gtk-Sharp-Runtime), so I decided to just traverse the whole Novell tree and have it done with.


  • It doesn't check for version numbers


; IsGTKSharpInstalled
 ; Usage:
 ;   Call IsGTKSharpInstalled
 ;   Pop $0
 ;   StrCmp $0 1 found.GTKSharp no.GTKSharp
 ; Contact:
 ;   Questions about this script may sent to the author, 
 ;   Clint Herron, at HanClinto at gmail dot com
Function IsGTKSharpInstalled
   Push $0
   Push $1
   Push $2
   Push $3
   Push $4
   Push $5
   ;$0 is the top-level enumeration index we're searching (product)
   ;$1 is the second-level enumeration index we're searching (version)
   ;$2 is the top-level name we're searching (product)
   ;$3 is the second-level name we're searching (version)
   ;$4 is the last-level enumeration index we're searching (individual key)
   ;$5 is the last-level name we're searching (individual key)
   StrCpy $0 0 ; Start at the beginning of the Novell products
     EnumRegKey $2 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \
       "Software\Novell" $0
     IntOp $0 $0 + 1 ; Increment our counter
     ; No more products to search, give up!
     StrCmp $2 "" noGTKSharp
     ; Search within the product for version
     StrCpy $1 0
       EnumRegKey $3 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \
         "Software\Novell\$2" $1
       IntOp $1 $1 + 1
       StrCmp $3 "" ProductEnumStart
       ; Search within this version for the key we're looking for       
       StrCpy $4 0
         EnumRegValue $5 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \
           "Software\Novell\$2\$3" $4
         IntOp $4 $4 + 1
         StrCmp $5 "GtkSharpIsInstalled" foundGTKSharp
         StrCmp $5 "" VersionEnumStart
       Goto KeyEnumStart
     Goto VersionEnumStart
   Goto ProductEnumStart         
     StrCpy $0 0
     Goto done
;    MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "GTKSharp was found at $2\$3\$5"    
     StrCpy $0 1
     Pop $5
     Pop $4
     Pop $3
     Pop $2
     Pop $1
     Exch $0