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Author: Anders (talk, contrib)

This useless piece of code tries to get a shell folder path for a specific user, for use with EnumUsersReg. There is no documented way to get a shell folder for another user without a token handle AFAIK, so we have to use raw registry lookups in undocumented locations. This code tries its best to expand environment variables etc, but be prepared for "" (empty string) if the lookup fails. See "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" for a list of string id's to use.


!include EnumUsersReg.nsh
!include GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry.nsh
Function MyEnumUsersRegCallback
Pop $0
!insertmacro GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry "SendTo" $0 $1
DetailPrint $0=$1
${EnumUsersReg} MyEnumUsersRegCallback temp.key


!macro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_SetEnv env regh regp regv expenv tmpvar
System::Call 'kernel32::GetEnvironmentVariable(t "${env}",t.s,i ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN})i'
ReadRegStr ${tmpvar} ${regh} "${regp}" "${regv}"
!if "${expenv}" != ""
	ExpandEnvStrings ${tmpvar} ${tmpvar}
System::Call 'kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariable(t "${env}",t "${tmpvar}")'
!macro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_RestoreEnv env
System::Call 'kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariable(t "${env}",ts)'
Function GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry
Exch $1 ;_hku
Exch $2 ;_shellfolderid
Push $0
Push $3
;NOTE: we try the legacy key first so we don't have to expand
ReadRegStr $0 HKU "$1\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" $2
${If} $0 == ""
	StrCpy $3 $1 3
	${If} $3 == "S-1"
		ReadRegStr $2 HKU "$1\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" $2
		;Let's hope other env strings like username is not used by anyone
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_SetEnv "APPDATA" HKU "$1\Volatile Environment" APPDATA "" $3
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_SetEnv "HOMEDRIVE" HKU "$1\Volatile Environment" HOMEDRIVE "" $3
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_SetEnv "HOMEPATH" HKU "$1\Volatile Environment" HOMEPATH "" $3
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_SetEnv "HOMESHARE" HKU "$1\Volatile Environment" HOMESHARE "" $3
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_SetEnv "userprofile" HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\$1" ProfileImagePath x $3
		ExpandEnvStrings $0 $2
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_RestoreEnv "userprofile"
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_RestoreEnv "HOMESHARE"
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_RestoreEnv "HOMEPATH"
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_RestoreEnv "HOMEDRIVE"
		!insertmacro _GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry_RestoreEnv "APPDATA"
StrCpy $1 $0
Pop $3
Pop $0
Pop $2
Exch $1
!macro GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry _shellfolderid _hku _outvar
push "${_shellfolderid}"
push "${_hku}"
call GetUserShellFolderFromRegistry
!if "${_outvar}" != ""
	pop ${_outvar}