Summarizing a Change
When summarizing a page, you may want to consider putting one the prefixes below, so everyone could organize themselves easily. These are not required:
Bx: | Bug report to the script, DLL or program. |
Fx: | Feature request to the script, DLL or program. |
Px: | Patch to the script, DLL or program. |
PSx: | Page spelling. |
PFx: | Page format. |
More to come... |
The "x" can be "o" for the opening of a report, "c" for the closing, "d" for deletion, "f" for fix, and whatever you invent.
Wiki Markup
Additionally to the original wiki markup, the following apply:
What it looks like | What you type |
Typing the url to a page with an image shows the image itself. Example from the page "Orange" Modern UI Theme:
| |
Sometimes an image is not directly linkable. You can try firstly to put an image extention to the end of the url, like ".gif", to make it show normally as a picture.
Example using deguix's avatar:
| |
External images can be used in normal links, so you can make any image to link to somewhere.
Example using the "profile" image from any thread of Forums to point to kichik's profile: |
[] |
What it looks like | What you type |
The <highlight-x> tag provides ability for codes to have syntax highlight. The letter "x" indicates the language of your code. This is a list of languages added/changed from GeSHi's original languages:
An example of usage using the "nsis" language: /* An huge comment describing the code */ Name "blah" OutFile "blah.exe" #a comment Section SetOutPath $INSTDIR File "blah.txt" ;a comment SectionEnd |
<highlight-nsis> /* An huge comment describing the code */ Name "blah" OutFile "blah.exe" #a comment Section SetOutPath $INSTDIR File "blah.txt" ;a comment SectionEnd </highlight-nsis> |
The <attach> tag can be used to link your page to a file directly in this NSIS Wiki.
It will show the Inside the tag, you have to specify the name of the file from the File namespace to be linked, without the namespace and with the exact capitalization as shown by the name of the page. Example:
If the file doesn't exist, it is replaced with "file.ext not found". Example: not found |
<attach></attach> <attach></attach> |