How can I use conditional execution (If ... EndIf equivalent)?

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The LogicLib provides macros for logical structures such as conditional execution and loops. To use the LogicLib, add the following at the top of the script:

!include LogicLib.nsh

Then, you can use ${If}, ${Else} and more.

${If} $R0 == "bla"
  MessageBox MB_OK "$$R0 is 'bla'"
  MessageBox MB_OK "$$R0 is not 'bla'"

See LogicLib.nsi for more examples.

You can also use the good old commands like StrCmp and IntCmp. Example (If ... EndIf equalivent):

StrCmp $R0 "bla" 0 nobla ;Goes to nobla when $R0 =! bla, otherwise continue
  ;...Do something when $R0 = bla...

You can also use multiple commands. Example (If ... ElseIf ... EndIf equalivent):

StrCmp $R0 "bla" 0 nobla ;Goes to nobla when $R0 =! bla, otherwise continue
  ;...Do something when $R0 = bla...
  Goto done ;Do nothing else
StrCmp $R0 "bla2" 0 done ;Goes to done when $R0 =! bla2, otherwise continue
  ;...Do something when $R0 = bla2...