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Lyx is a user-friendly cross-platform editor that work on a subset of LaTeX.

The Script

The installer is complex but very modular. It bundles a number of components such as GhostScript. It also has custom graphics. Here's the main file:

NSIS Script - LyX 1.5/1.6 Installer for Win32
Authors: Joost Verburg, Angus Leeming, Uwe St�hr
Requires NSIS 2.36 or later
Licence details for all installer scripts can be found in the file COPYING
!include settings.nsh
# Header files  
!include include\declarations.nsh
!include include\variables.nsh
!include include\nsis.nsh
!include include\dictlist.nsh
!include include\filelist.nsh
!include include\langlist.nsh
!include include\detection.nsh
!include include\gui.nsh
!include include\init.nsh
# The following commands use makensis to compile two applications.
# Although these applications are written in NSIS, they do not install anything.
# Compile the launcher
!system '"${NSISDIR}\makensis.exe" "${FILES_LAUNCHER}\launcher.nsi"'
# Compile Windows PDF view helper
!system '"${NSISDIR}\makensis.exe" "${FILES_PDFVIEW}\pdfview.nsi"'
# Setup
!include setup\install.nsh
!include setup\uninstall.nsh
!include setup\configure.nsh
# User interface (wizard pages)
!include gui\external.nsh
!include gui\langselect.nsh
!include gui\reinstall.nsh
# Output file
Outfile "${SETUP_EXE}"