MSI Functions

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Author: Zinthose (talk, contrib)


This is a preview release of my attempt to wrap the Windows Installer API functions. Expect allot of changes to occur over the next several weeks.

Current Functions

  • MsiGetProductInfo
    • IN: ProductGuid
      • ex.{CE2CDD62-0124-36CA-84D3-9F4DCF5C5BD9}
    • IN: PropertyName
      • ex. ProductName
    • IN/OUT: ReturnValue
      • ex. s or "" to store the value to the stack
      • ex. $0


;!define DEBUG ## Enable definition this to see additional details in the ListView
!include MSIFunc.nsh
OutFile MSIFunc_Example.exe
ShowInstDetails Show
Section TypicalUse
    DetailPrint "### Typical Use ###"
    ## Get the Product Info for the "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1" Package
        ${MsiGetProductInfo} "{CE2CDD62-0124-36CA-84D3-9F4DCF5C5BD9}" "ProductName" $0
        ${If} ${Errors}
            Abort $0
        DetailPrint "ProductName = $0"
        ${MsiGetProductInfo} "{CE2CDD62-0124-36CA-84D3-9F4DCF5C5BD9}" "InstallDate" $1
        ${If} ${Errors}
            Abort "$1" 
        DetailPrint "InstallDate = $1"
    DetailPrint ""
Section UsingTheStack
    DetailPrint "### Using the Stack ###"
    ## Get the Product Info for the "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1" Package
        ${MsiGetProductInfo} "{CE2CDD62-0124-36CA-84D3-9F4DCF5C5BD9}" "ProductName" s
        ${If} ${Errors}
            Pop $0
            Abort $0
        ${MsiGetProductInfo} "{CE2CDD62-0124-36CA-84D3-9F4DCF5C5BD9}" "InstallDate" s
        ${If} ${Errors}
            Pop $0
            Abort $0
        Pop $1
        Pop $0
        DetailPrint "ProductName = $0"
        DetailPrint "InstallDate = $1"


!ifndef ___MSIFUNC___
!define ___MSIFUNC___ 0.1
!warning "This is a only a Preview Release, I plan on adding ALOT more functions and perhaps even change the API for existing functions: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!"
!include LogicLib.nsh
!verbose push
!verbose 2
!ifmacrondef _SetDetailsPrint
    !macro _SetDetailsPrint _VALUE
        ## FIXME [BUG] SetDetailsPrint lastused
        ## There is a bug that prevents lastused from working on the 2.46 version of NSIS
        ##   I'm hoping this will be fixed in the next version
        !if ${_VALUE} == lastused
            !if ${NSIS_VERSION_MAJOR}.${NSIS_VERSION_MINOR} > 2.46
                !warning `[BUG WORKAROUND SKIPPED] - If any following "DetailPrint" operations Fail try setting "SetDetailsPrint" manually.`
                SetDetailsPrint lastused
                !warning `[BUG WORKAROUND APPLIED] - "SetDetailsPrint" set to "both" and not "lastused"`
                SetDetailsPrint both
            SetDetailsPrint ${_VALUE}
    !define SetDetailsPrint `!insertmacro _SetDetailsPrint`
!ifmacrondef _MsiGetProductInfo
    !macro _MsiGetProductInfo _PRODUCTCODE _PROPERTY _RetVar
        Push `${_PRODUCTCODE}`
        Push `${_PROPERTY}`
        Call MsiGetProductInfo
        !if '${_RetVar}' == 's'
        !else if '${_RetVar}' == ''
            Pop ${_RetVar} 
    !define MsiGetProductInfo `!insertmacro _MsiGetProductInfo`
!macro FUNC_MsiGetProductInfo _UN
    Function ${_UN}MsiGetProductInfo
        ## If DEBUG is not defined then hide all the DetailPrint Events
            !ifndef DEBUG
                SetDetailsPrint none
        ## Stack Protection
            ;Stack: _PROPERTY _PRODUCTCODE
            Exch $0 ; $0 _PRODUCTCODE
            Exch    ; _PRODUCTCODE $0
            Exch $1 ; $1 $0
            ; $0 = _PROPERTY
            ; $1 = _PRODUCTCODE
            Push $2 ; $2 $1 $0
            Push $3 ; $3 $2 $1 $0
            Push $4 ; $4 $3 $2 $1 $0
            Push $5 ; $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 $0
            ; $2 = Return Codes
            ; $3 = Pointer To Buffer Size
            ; $4 = Pointer to Buffer
            ; $5 = Buffer Size
        ## Create/Allocate a Pointer to a DWORD for the Buffer Size
            System::Alloc 2
            Pop $3
        ## DEBUG: 
            !ifdef DEBUG
                DetailPrint "DEBUG: What's in the registers..."
                DetailPrint "   $$0 = $0"
                DetailPrint "   $$1 = $1"
                DetailPrint "   $$2 = $2"
                DetailPrint "   $$3 = $3"
                DetailPrint "   $$4 = $4"
                DetailPrint "   $$5 = $5"
                ;MessageBox MB_OK "PAUSED"
        ## Determine out big the buffer need to be
            System::Call `msi::MsiGetProductInfo(t r1,t r0,n,i $3)i .r2`
        ## Error Checking
            ${Select} $2
                ${Case}    0  ## ERROR_SUCCESS
                    DetailPrint "ERROR_SUCCESS - The operation completed successfully."
                ${Case} 1610  ## ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - The configuration data for product $1 is corrupt. Contact your support personnel."
                    Goto CleanUp
                ${Case}   87  ## ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - The parameter is incorrect."
                    Goto CleanUp
                ${Case}  234  ## ERROR_MORE_DATA
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_MORE_DATA"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - More data is available."
                    Goto CleanUp
                ${Case} 1605  ## ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - This action is valid only for products that are currently installed."
                    Goto CleanUp
                ${Case} 1608  ## ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - Unknown property."
                    Goto CleanUp
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_UNANTICIPATED"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - AKA: I have no idea what happened!"
                    Goto CleanUp
        ## Get the requested buffer size
            System::Call `*$3(&i2 .r5)`
            DetailPrint "Requested Buffer Size = $5"
        ## Increase bufer size to account for required Null Terminator
            intop $5 $5 + 1
            System::Call `*$3(&i2 r5)`
        ## DEBUG: Display Actual buffer size
            !ifdef DEBUG
                System::Call `*$3(&i2 .r5)`
                DetailPrint "Actual Buffer Size = $5"
                ;MessageBox MB_OK "PAUSED"
        ## Allocate Buffer
            System::Alloc $5
            Pop $4
        ## Get the Parameter Value
            System::Call `msi::MsiGetProductInfo(t r1,t r0,i $4,i $3)i .r2`
        ## Error Checking
            ${Select} $2
                ${Case}    0  ## ERROR_SUCCESS
                    DetailPrint "ERROR_SUCCESS - The operation completed successfully."
                ${Case} 1610  ## ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - The configuration data for product $1 is corrupt. Contact your support personnel."
                    Goto CleanUp
                ${Case}   87  ## ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - The parameter is incorrect."
                    Goto CleanUp
                ${Case}  234  ## ERROR_MORE_DATA
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_MORE_DATA"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - More data is available."
                    Goto CleanUp
                ${Case} 1605  ## ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - This action is valid only for products that are currently installed."
                    Goto CleanUp
                ${Case} 1608  ## ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - Unknown property."
                    Goto CleanUp
                    StrCpy $0 "ERROR_UNANTICIPATED"
                    DetailPrint "$0 - AKA: I have no idea what happened!"
                    Goto CleanUp
        ## Get Value Size
            System::Call `*$3(&i2 .r5)`
        ## Read Property
            System::Call `*$4(&t$5 .r0)`
            DetailPrint "Property = $0"    
        ## Free Memory
            System::Free $3
            System::Free $4
        ## Restore Stack
                    ; $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 $0
            Pop $5  ; $4 $3 $2 $1 $0
            Pop $4  ; $3 $2 $1 $0
            Pop $3  ; $2 $1 $0
            Pop $2  ; $1 $0
            Pop $1  ; $0
            Exch $0 ; RETVALUE
        ## Restore DetailPrint Events
            !ifndef DEBUG
                ## FIXME [BUG] ${SetDetailsPrint}
                ${SetDetailsPrint} lastused
!insertmacro FUNC_MsiGetProductInfo ""
!insertmacro FUNC_MsiGetProductInfo "un."
!verbose pop