NSISMultiMon plug-in

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Author: Tinsold (talk, contrib)


Exe.gif nsisMultiMon-1_1_0.zip (12 KB)

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United Bytes Website

What Is nsisMultiMon

nsisMultiMon is a plugin for NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) that provides easy multi monitor management for installers. With this plugin, you can determine the number of monitors, get various coordinates and sizes, monitor namings or simply put the complete installer on another connected monitor.

nsisMultiMon was developed by Andreas Loeffler.

It was tested on Windows 2000 and Windows XP so far.

Please check out my homepage at http://www.unitedbytes.de or http://nsis.sourceforge.net for further updates of nsisMultiMon.

Usage And Installation

Simply copy the nsisMultiMon.dll in the "Plugins" folder of the NSIS installation directory. If you don't want to put it there, you have to add a "!addplugindir" directive on the top of your install script. Read the NSIS manual for more information.



Please also consider the provided example script "ExampleMultiMon.nsi" for how to use the above functions in a real world installer.

Available functions


       Returns all available monitors.
       Return values:
       $R0 = Number of all available monitors.


       Returns all active monitors.
       Return values:
       $R0 = Number of all active monitors.


       Returns the position and size of the virtual desktop (all monitors).
       Return values:
       $R0,$R1 = Start X, Start Y
       $R2,$R3 = Size X, Size Y

nsisMultiMon::GetMonitorRect [ID:int]

       Returns the rectangle of the monitor with the given ID (zero-based).
       Return values:
       $R0,$R1 = Left, Top
       $R2,$R3 = Right, Bottom

nsisMultiMon::GetWorkArea [ID:int]

       Returns the work area of the monitor with the given ID (zero-based).
       Note: The work area is the "pure" desktop without task bar and other
       status bars docked to the desktop.
       Return values:
       $R0,$R1 = Left, Top
       $R2,$R3 = Right, Bottom

nsisMultiMon::IsPointOnMonitor [ID:int] [X:int] [Y:int]

       Verifies if the given point X,Y is on the monitor with the given
       ID (zero-based).
       Return values:
       $R0 = "true" means, that the point is on the given monitor. 
       $R0 = "false" means, that the point is NOT on the given monitor.

nsisMultiMon::GetMonitorName [ID:int]

       Returns the name of the monitor with the given ID (zero-based).
       Return values:
       $R0 = Name of the monitor.

nsisMultiMon::CenterInstallerOnMonitor [ID:int] [UseWorkarea:int]

       Centers the installer window on the monitor with the 
       given ID (zero-based).
       If parameter "UseWorkarea" is 0, the window will be centered on
       the monitor's real coordinates & sizes.
       If parameter "UseWorkarea" is 1, the window will be centered on
       the monitor's workspace. 
       Note: The work area is the "pure" desktop without task bar and other
       status bars docked to the desktop.

Version History

v1.1.0 - 06/12/14

First public version.


nsisMultiMon is Freeware.


nsisMultiMon was developed in C++ by Andreas Loeffler in December 2006.

Web: http://www.unitedbytes.de

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