NSISUser plug-in
nsisUser-1_2_0.zip (9 KB)
What Is nsisUser
nsisUser is a plugin for NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) that provides easy user management and checking functions for Windows 2000 and Windows XP (Vista not tested yet).
With this plugin you can try different login user/password combinations in your installer. This is especially useful, if you don't know the exact admin account names/passwords and have to guess the combination. More functions will be added on request.
nsisUser was developed by Andreas Loeffler.
Please check out my homepage at http://www.unitedbytes.de or http://nsis.sourceforge.net for further updates of nsisUser.
Usage And Installation
Simply copy the nsisUser.dll in the "Plugins" folder of the NSIS installation directory. If you don't want to put it there, you have to add a "!addplugindir" directive on the top of your install script. Read the NSIS manual for more information.
Please also consider the provided example script "ExampleUser.nsi" for how to use the functions below in a real world installer.
Available functions
Nothing in here yet! Please refer to the provided "readme.txt".
Version History
Current version of nsisUser is v1.2.0. For a full changelog, please consider the file "readme.txt" in the current package.
nsisUser is Freeware.
nsisUser was developed in C++ by Andreas Loeffler in 2007.
Web: http://www.unitedbytes.de
E-Mail: Please see readme.txt to prevent spam.