NT Profile Paths

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Author: Zinthose (talk, contrib)


Header/Include to get the profile paths of user accounts that are stored locally on the system.


!include NTProfiles.nsh
Section Example
    ## Display the root path for all local profiles
        ${ProfilesPath} $0
        MessageBox MB_OK `Path for Local Profiles:$\n"$0"`
    ## Display the All Users profile path
        ${ProfilePathAllUsers} $0
        MessageBox MB_OK `All Users profile path:$\n"$0"`
    ## Display the Default User profile path
        ${ProfilePathDefaultUser} $0
        MessageBox MB_OK `Default User profile path:$\n"$0"`
    ## Display the profile path for a SID
        ${ProfilePathFromSID} $0 "S-1-5-21-899922695-4071275077-1934628579-500"
        MessageBox MB_OK `SID's profile path:$\n"$0"`
    ## Display profile path for the Administrator account
        ${ProfilePathFromUserName} $0 Administrator
        MessageBox MB_OK `Administrator's profile path:$\n"$0"`
    ## List all Profiles
        ${EnumProfilePaths} EnumMyProfiles
    ## List all Profiles except system profiles
        !define NTProfilePaths::IgnoreSystem
        ${EnumProfilePaths} EnumMyProfiles
    ## List all Profiles except local Administrator account
        !define NTProfilePaths::IgnoreAdministrator
        ${EnumProfilePaths} EnumMyProfiles
    ## List all Profiles except system profiles & local Administrator account
        !define NTProfilePaths::IgnoreLocal
        ${EnumProfilePaths} EnumMyProfiles
Function EnumMyProfiles 
    ## Get the profile path from the stack
        Pop $0
    ## Display Results and ask if we want to continue the enumeration.
        MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION `Enumerated profile path is:$\n"$0"$\n$\nContinue Enumeration?` IDNO Stop 
    ## Continue Enumeration
        Push ""
    ## Stop Enumeration
        Push "~" # Any value other than an empty string will abort the enumeration


!verbose push
!verbose 1
## Required Include(s)
    !include logiclib.nsh
## Lazy/Consolodation Stuff
    !define REG~\ProfileList 'HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList'
## Define Defaults
    !ifndef NTProfilePaths::Verbose
        !define NTProfilePaths::Verbose 1
## User can define the following to disable returning certian profile paths when calling EnumProfilePaths
    ## NTProfilePaths::IgnoreAdministrator  
    ## NTProfilePaths::IgnoreSystem
    ## NTProfilePaths::IgnoreLocal
## Retrieve the default path for user profiles.
    !define ProfilesPath `!insertmacro _ProfilesPath`
    !macro _ProfilesPath _OUTVAR
        !verbose push
        !verbose ${NTProfilePaths::Verbose}
        ReadRegStr ${_OUTVAR} "${REG~\ProfileList}" ProfilesDirectory
        ExpandEnvStrings ${_OUTVAR} ${_OUTVAR}
        !verbose pop
## ProfilePathAllUsers
    !define ProfilePathAllUsers     `!insertmacro _ProfilePath_Special AllUsersProfile`
    !define ProfilePathDefaultUser  `!insertmacro _ProfilePath_Special DefaultUserProfile`
    !macro _ProfilePath_Special _REGNAME _OUTVAR
        !verbose push
        !verbose ${NTProfilePaths::Verbose}
        Push $0
        Push $1
        ReadRegStr $0 "${REG~\ProfileList}" ${_REGNAME}
        ${ProfilesPath} $1
        ExpandEnvStrings $0 "$1\$0"
        pop $1
        exch $0
        pop ${_OUTVAR}
        !verbose pop
## ProfilePathFromSID
    ## Returns an Empty string and SetErrors if Sid not registered on system.
    !define ProfilePathFromSID `!insertmacro _ProfilePathFromSID`
    !macro _ProfilePathFromSID _OUTVAR _SID
        !verbose push
        !verbose ${NTProfilePaths::Verbose}
        ReadRegStr ${_OUTVAR} "${REG~\ProfileList}\${_SID}" ProfileImagePath
        ${If} ${Errors}
            StrCpy ${_OUTVAR} ""
            ExpandEnvStrings ${_OUTVAR} ${_OUTVAR}
        !verbose pop
## ProfilePathFromUserName
    ## Returns an Error Message and SetErrors if Sid lookup fails.
    ## Returns an Empty string and SetErrors if Sid not registered on system.
    !define ProfilePathFromUserName `!insertmacro _ProfilePathFromUserName`
    !macro _ProfilePathFromUserName _OUTVAR _USERNAME
        !verbose push
        !verbose ${NTProfilePaths::Verbose}
        UserMgr::GetSIDFromUserName "" "${_USERNAME}"
        pop  ${_OUTVAR}
        push ${_OUTVAR}
        StrCpy ${_OUTVAR} ${_OUTVAR} 5
        ${If} ${_OUTVAR} == ERROR
            pop ${_OUTVAR}
            pop ${_OUTVAR}
            ${ProfilePathFromSID} ${_OUTVAR} ${_OUTVAR}
        !verbose pop
## EnumProfilePaths
    !define EnumProfilePaths "!insertmacro _EnumProfilePaths"
    !macro _EnumProfilePaths _FNCNAME
        !verbose push
        !verbose ${NTProfilePaths::Verbose}
        Push $1
        Push $0
        StrCpy $0 0
            EnumRegKey $1 "${REG~\ProfileList}" $0
            ${IfThen} $1 == "" ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|}
            IntOp $0 $0 + 1
            !ifdef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreLocal
                !ifndef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreAdministrator 
                    !define NTProfilePaths::IgnoreAdministrator
                !ifndef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreSystem 
                    !define NTProfilePaths::IgnoreSystem
            !ifdef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreAdministrator
                Push $2
                StrCpy $2 $1 ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN} -4
                ${IfThen} $2 == "-500" ${|} StrCpy $1 "" ${|}
                Pop $2
            ${Switch} $1
            !ifdef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreSystem
                ${Case} "S-1-5-18"
                ${Case} "S-1-5-19"
                ${Case} "S-1-5-20"
                    StrCpy $1 ""
                    ${Unless} $1 == ""
                        ${ProfilePathFromSID} $1 $1
                        ${Unless} ${Errors}
                                    # 0,1
                            Exch $0 # N,1
                            Exch    # 1,N
                            Exch $1 # V,N
                            !verbose pop
                            Call ${_FNCNAME}
                            !verbose push
                            !verbose ${NTProfilePaths::Verbose}
                            Exch $1 # 1,N
                            Exch    # N,1
                            Exch $0 # 0,1
            ${IfThen} $1 != "" ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|}
        Pop $0
        Pop $1
        !ifdef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreLocal
            !if `${NTProfilePaths::IgnoreLocal}` != `Global`
                !undef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreLocal
        !ifdef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreSystem
            !if `${NTProfilePaths::IgnoreSystem}` != `Global`
                !undef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreSystem
        !ifdef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreAdministrator
            !if `${NTProfilePaths::IgnoreAdministrator}` != `Global`
                !undef NTProfilePaths::IgnoreAdministrator
        !verbose pop
!verbose pop