Run Command After Compilation
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Author: Jeff Doozan (talk, contrib) |
NSIS3 added the !finalize command that should be used as a replacement for this script.
Include this script to run commands after build finishes. This can be useful for signing installers or other post-build events.
This has only been tested with Windows NT (NT/XP/Vista). It will probably not work on other systems.
${PostExec1} PostBuild.bat
The number after "PostExec" is the number of arguments. If you need to call a program with additional arguments, be sure you use the correct PostExec#
${PostExec9} signtool.exe sign /f key.pfx /p pass /t installer.exe
!include PostExec.nsh !define OUTFILE "C:\MyApp.exe" OutFile ${OUTFILE} ; sign the installer after it has been created ${PostExec2} sign.bat ${OUTFILE}
The Script
; --------------------- ; PostExec.nsh ; --------------------- ; ; Windows NT only ; Macros for running programs after makensis has completed ; ; Created by Jeff Doozan ; !ifndef POSTEXEC_NSH !define POSTEXEC_NSH !verbose push !verbose 3 !define PostExec1 `!insertmacro _PostExec1` !define PostExec2 `!insertmacro _PostExec2` !define PostExec3 `!insertmacro _PostExec3` !define PostExec4 `!insertmacro _PostExec4` !define PostExec5 `!insertmacro _PostExec5` !define PostExec6 `!insertmacro _PostExec6` !define PostExec7 `!insertmacro _PostExec7` !define PostExec8 `!insertmacro _PostExec8` !define PostExec9 `!insertmacro _PostExec9` !macro _PostExec1 pe1 !tempfile FILE !delfile "${FILE}" !insertmacro _PostExecWriteBatFile "${FILE}.bat" # execute the batch file !system "${FILE} ${pe1}" !macroend !macro _PostExec2 pe1 pe2 !tempfile FILE !delfile "${FILE}" !insertmacro _PostExecWriteBatFile "${FILE}.bat" # execute the batch file !system "${FILE} ${pe1} ${pe2}" !macroend !macro _PostExec3 pe1 pe2 pe3 !tempfile FILE !delfile "${FILE}" !insertmacro _PostExecWriteBatFile "${FILE}.bat" # execute the batch file !system "${FILE} ${pe1} ${pe2} ${pe3}" !macroend !macro _PostExec4 pe1 pe2 pe3 pe4 !tempfile FILE !delfile "${FILE}" !insertmacro _PostExecWriteBatFile "${FILE}.bat" # execute the batch file !system "${FILE} ${pe1} ${pe2} ${pe3} ${pe4}" !macroend !macro _PostExec5 pe1 pe2 pe3 pe4 pe5 !tempfile FILE !delfile "${FILE}" !insertmacro _PostExecWriteBatFile "${FILE}.bat" # execute the batch file !system "${FILE} ${pe1} ${pe2} ${pe3} ${pe4} ${pe5}" !macroend !macro _PostExec6 pe1 pe2 pe3 pe4 pe5 pe6 !tempfile FILE !delfile "${FILE}" !insertmacro _PostExecWriteBatFile "${FILE}.bat" # execute the batch file !system "${FILE} ${pe1} ${pe2} ${pe3} ${pe4} ${pe5} ${pe6}" !macroend !macro _PostExec7 pe1 pe2 pe3 pe4 pe5 pe6 pe7 !tempfile FILE !delfile "${FILE}" !insertmacro _PostExecWriteBatFile "${FILE}.bat" # execute the batch file !system "${FILE} ${pe1} ${pe2} ${pe3} ${pe4} ${pe5} ${pe6} ${pe7}" !macroend !macro _PostExec8 pe1 pe2 pe3 pe4 pe5 pe6 pe7 pe8 !tempfile FILE !delfile "${FILE}" !insertmacro _PostExecWriteBatFile "${FILE}.bat" # execute the batch file !system "${FILE} ${pe1} ${pe2} ${pe3} ${pe4} ${pe5} ${pe6} ${pe7} ${pe8}" !macroend !macro _PostExec9 pe1 pe2 pe3 pe4 pe5 pe6 pe7 pe8 pe9 !tempfile FILE !delfile "${FILE}" !insertmacro _PostExecWriteBatFile "${FILE}.bat" # execute the batch file !system "${FILE} ${pe1} ${pe2} ${pe3} ${pe4} ${pe5} ${pe6} ${pe7} ${pe8} ${pe9}" !macroend !macro _PostExecWriteBatFile FILE !appendfile "${FILE}" '@ECHO OFF$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'SETLOCAL$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" '$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'SET Command=%~1$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'IF NOT "%1"=="DELAYED_LOAD" ($\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' :: Run this script again with "DELAYED_LOAD" as the first parameter$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' :: this lets use break out of the original shell so that makensis will not wait for$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' :: this script to finish$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' start "" /D "%~dp0" "%COMSPEC%" /c "%~dpf0" DELAYED_LOAD %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' EXIT /B$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ') $\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" '$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'SHIFT$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'SET PROCESS=makensis.exe$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'echo Waiting for %PROCESS% to exit$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'echo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" '$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ':: Get the PID of makensis.exe$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'FOR /F "tokens=2 skip=3" %%i IN ($\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' $\'tasklist.exe /FI "USERNAME eq %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%" /FI "IMAGENAME eq %Process%"$\'$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ') DO ($\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' CALL :TASKWAIT %PROCESS% %%~i$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ')$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" '$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" '%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'ENDLOCAL$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'DEL %0.bat$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" 'EXIT$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" '$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" '$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ':TASKWAIT$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' ping.exe -n 2 -w 1000 >NUL$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' tasklist.exe /FI "USERNAME eq %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%" /FI "IMAGENAME eq %1" /FI "PID eq %2" 2>NUL | find.exe "%1" >NUL && GOTO %0$\n' !appendfile "${FILE}" ' EXIT /B$\n' !macroend !verbose pop !endif