Set Focus to a Control

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Author: deguix (talk, contrib)


Deprecated by: NSIS 2.24 - FOCUS InstallOptions flag.

Required: InstallOptions plug-in based resource file and System plug-in.

This function sets focus to a control using information from an InstallOptions plug-in based resource file.

Normally, InstallOptions used to set the focus to the first focusable control found in the INI file. This allows specifying another control without messing with the controls' order.

Function Call

Push "Page.ini" ;Page .ini file where the field can be found.
Push "Handle" ;Page handle you got when reserving the page.
Push "Number" ;Field number to set focus.
Call SetFocus

Function Code

; Title             : Set focus to a control
; Short Name        : SetFocus
; Last Changed      : 22/Feb/2005
; Code Type         : Function
; Code Sub-Type     : One-way Input
; Required          : InstallOptions and System plugins.
; Description       : Sets focus to a control using InstallOptions.
; Function Call     : Push "Page.ini"
;                       Page .ini file where the field can be found.
;                     Push "Handle"
;                       Page handle you got when reserving the page.
;                     Push "Number"
;                       Field number to set focus.
;                     Call SetFocus
; Author            : Diego Pedroso
; Author Reg. Name  : deguix
Function SetFocus
  Exch $0 ; Control Number
  Exch $2 ; Page Handle
  Exch 2
  Exch $3 ; Page INI File
  Exch 2
  Push $1
  Push $R0
  Push $R1
  Push $R2
  Push $R3
  Push $R4
  Push $R5
  IntOp $1 $0 + 1199
  GetDlgItem $1 $2 $1
  # Send WM_SETFOCUS message
  System::Call "user32::SetFocus(i r1, i 0x0007, i,i)i"
  ReadINIStr $R0 "$3" "Field $0" "Left"
  ReadINIStr $R1 "$3" "Field $0" "Right"
  ReadINIStr $R3 "$3" "Field $0" "Top"
  ReadINIStr $R4 "$3" "Field $0" "Bottom"
  IntOp $R2 $R1 - $R0
  IntOp $R5 $R4 - $R3
  System::Call "user32::CreateCaret(i r0, i, i R2, i R5)i"
  System::Call "user32::ShowCaret(i r0)i"
  Pop $R5
  Pop $R4
  Pop $R3
  Pop $R2
  Pop $R1
  Pop $R0
  Pop $1
  Pop $0
  Pop $2
  Pop $3

Snippet of usage (without "ioFile.ini") - by Afrow UK

Forum link

Page Custom ShowCustom1
Function .onInit
  !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "ioFile.ini"
Function ShowCustom1
  !insertmacro MUI_HEADERTEXT "blah" "blah"
  !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_INITDIALOG "ioFile.ini"
  Pop $HWND ;HWND (handle) of dialog
    Push "$PLUGINSDIR\ioFile.ini" ;Page .ini file where the field can be found.
    Push "$HWND" ;Page handle you got when reserving the page.
    Push "1" ;Field number to set focus.
    Call SetFocus
This project or code is deprecated and is here for archival purposes only.