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More or less this is an experiment to help me learn how to deal with the stack. It's quite limited but may be useful to someone.


!include stack.nsh
!verbose 4
ShowInstDetails show
OutFile Test.exe
Section Test
    ## Place something onto the stack to verify at the end
        Push "First Item in Stack"
    ## Initialize the registers to have some values... the alphabet perhaps. ;o)
        StrCpy  $0 "A"
        StrCpy  $1 "B"
        StrCpy  $2 "C"
        StrCpy  $3 "D"
        StrCpy  $4 "E"
        StrCpy  $5 "F"
        StrCpy  $6 "G"
        StrCpy  $7 "H"
        StrCpy  $8 "I"
        StrCpy  $9 "J"
        StrCpy $R0 "K"
        StrCpy $R1 "L"
        StrCpy $R2 "M"
        StrCpy $R3 "N"
        StrCpy $R4 "O"
        StrCpy $R5 "P"
        StrCpy $R6 "Q"
        StrCpy $R7 "R"
        StrCpy $R8 "S"
        StrCpy $R9 "T"
    #Push the values onto the stack
        ${PushStack}5 83 84 65 67 75
        Call AscDecode
        Pop $R9
        DetailPrint '$$R9 = $R9'
        DetailPrint '$$0 = $0'
        DetailPrint '$$1 = $1'
        DetailPrint '$$2 = $2'
        DetailPrint '$$3 = $3'
        DetailPrint '$$4 = $4'
        DetailPrint '$$5 = $5'
    ;${DelStack} 4
Function AscDecode
    ${ExchStack}5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
    DetailPrint '$$1 = $1' 
    DetailPrint '$$2 = $2'
    DetailPrint '$$3 = $3'
    DetailPrint '$$4 = $4'
    DetailPrint '$$5 = $5'
    ${PushStack}2 $6 $7
    IntFmt $6 "%c" $1
    StrCpy $7 $6
    IntFmt $6 "%c" $2
    StrCpy $7 $7$6
    IntFmt $6 "%c" $3
    StrCpy $7 $7$6
    IntFmt $6 "%c" $4
    StrCpy $7 $7$6
    IntFmt $6 "%c" $5
    StrCpy $7 $7$6
    Push $7
    ${MoveStack} 1 3
    ${PopStack}2 $6 $7
    ${ExchStack}6 R $1 $2 $3 $4 $5


; ---------------------
;       Stack.nsh
; ---------------------
; Macros to assist with stack manipulation
!ifndef ___STACK__NSH___
!define ___STACK__NSH___ 
!include LogicLib.nsh
!warning "Stack.nsh is in Active Development$\nKnown Issues:$\n*  Unknown"
## Temporary Variables
    !define STACK_TEMP_VAR "!insertmacro _STACK_TEMP_VAR"
    !macro _STACK_TEMP_VAR _Pepper _Value
        !ifndef _STACK_TEMP_VAR_${_Pepper}
            !define _STACK_TEMP_VAR_${_Pepper}
            Var /GLOBAL STACK_TEMP_VAR_${_Pepper}
        StrCpy $STACK_TEMP_VAR_${_Pepper} `${_Value}`
## Exch Stack Values
    !macro STACK_ExchStack_2 _a _b
        !if `${_a}${_b}` != `RR`
                            ;Stack: 1 2
            !if `${_a}` != `R`
                Exch ${_a}  ;Stack: A 1
            !if `${_b}` != `R`
                Exch        ;Stack: 2 A
                Exch ${_b}  ;Stack: B A
    !macro STACK_ExchStack_3 _a _b _c
                        ;Stack: 1 2 3                    
        !if `${_c}` != `R`
            Exch 2
            Exch ${_c}  ;Stack: A 2 3
            Exch 2      ;Stack: 3 2 A
        !insertmacro STACK_ExchStack_2 ${_a} ${_b}
                    ;Stack: C B A
    !macro STACK_ExchStack_4 _a _b _c _d
                        ;Stack: 1 2 3 4
        !if `${_c}` != `R`
            Exch 3
            Exch ${_d}  ;Stack: A 2 3 4
            Exch 3      ;Stack: 4 2 3 A
        !insertmacro STACK_ExchStack_3 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c}
                    ;Stack: D C B A
    !macro STACK_ExchStack_5 _a _b _c _d _e
                        ;Stack: 1 2 3 4 5
        !if `${_e}` != `R`
            Exch 4
            Exch ${_e}  ;Stack: A 2 3 4 5
            Exch 4      ;Stack: 5 2 3 4 A
        !insertmacro STACK_ExchStack_4 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d}
                    ;Stack: E D C B A
    !macro STACK_ExchStack_6 _a _b _c _d _e _f
                        ;Stack: R 1 2 3 4 5 6
        !if `${_f}` != `R`
            Exch 5      ;Stack: 6 2 3 4 5 1
            Exch ${_f}  ;Stack: F 2 3 4 5 1
            Exch 5      ;Stack: 1 2 3 4 5 F
        !insertmacro STACK_ExchStack_5 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e}
                    ;Stack: A B C D E F
    !macro STACK_ExchStack_7 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g
                    ;Stack: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        !if `${_g}` != `R`
            Exch 6
            Exch ${_g}  ;Stack: A 2 3 4 5 6 7
            Exch 6      ;Stack: 7 2 3 4 5 6 A
        !insertmacro STACK_ExchStack_6 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f}
                    ;Stack: G F E D C B A
    !macro STACK_ExchStack_8 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h
                    ;Stack: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
        !if `${_h}` != `R`
            Exch 7
            Exch ${_h}  ;Stack: A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
            Exch 7      ;Stack: 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 A
        !insertmacro STACK_ExchStack_7 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g}
                    ;Stack: H G F E D C B A
    !macro STACK_ExchStack_9 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h _i
                    ;Stack: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
        !if `${_i}` != `R`
            Exch 8
            Exch ${_i}  ;Stack: A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
            Exch 8      ;Stack: 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A
        !insertmacro STACK_ExchStack_8 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g} ${_h}
                    ;Stack: I H G F E D C B A
    !macro STACK_ExchStack_10 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h _i _j
                    ;Stack: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a
        !if `${_j}` != `R`
            Exch 9      ;Stack: a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
            Exch ${_j}  ;Stack: J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a
            Exch 9      ;Stack: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J
        !insertmacro STACK_ExchStack_9 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g} ${_h} ${_i}
                    ;Stack: A B C D E F G H I J
    !define ExchStack "!insertmacro STACK_ExchStack_"
## Push Stack Values
    !macro STACK_PutStack_1 _a
        Push ${_a}  ;Stack: A
    !macro STACK_PutStack_2 _a _b
        Push ${_b}  ;Stack: A
        Push ${_a}  ;Stack: B A
    !macro STACK_PutStack_3 _a _b _c
        Push ${_c}
        !insertmacro STACK_PutStack_2 ${_a} ${_b}
    !macro STACK_PutStack_4 _a _b _c _d
        Push ${_d}
        !insertmacro STACK_PutStack_3 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c}
    !macro STACK_PutStack_5 _a _b _c _d _e
        Push ${_e}
        !insertmacro STACK_PutStack_4 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d}
    !macro STACK_PutStack_6 _a _b _c _d _e _f
        Push ${_f}
        !insertmacro STACK_PutStack_5 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} 
    !macro STACK_PutStack_7 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g
        Push ${_g}
        !insertmacro STACK_PutStack_6 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f}
    !macro STACK_PutStack_8 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h
        Push ${_h}
        !insertmacro STACK_PutStack_7 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g} 
    !macro STACK_PutStack_9 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h _i
        Push ${_i}
        !insertmacro STACK_PutStack_8 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g} ${_h}
    !macro STACK_PutStack_10 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h _i _j
        Push ${_j}
        !insertmacro STACK_PutStack_9 ${_a} ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g} ${_h} ${_i}
    !define PushStack "!insertmacro STACK_PutStack_"
## PopStack
    !macro STACK_PopStack_1 _a
        !if `${_a}` != `R`
            Pop ${_a}
    !macro STACK_PopStack_2 _a _b
        ;Stack: A B
        !if `${_a}${_b}` != `RR`
            !if `${_a}` != `R`
                Pop ${_a}
                !if `${_b}` != `R`
                    Pop ${_b}
            !else if `${_b}` != `R`
                Pop ${_b}
    !macro STACK_PopStack_3 _a _b _c
        !if `${_a}` != `R`
            Pop ${_a}
        !insertmacro STACK_PopStack_2 ${_b} ${_c}
    !macro STACK_PopStack_4 _a _b _c _d
        Pop ${_a}
        !insertmacro STACK_PopStack_3 ${_b} ${_c} ${_d}
    !macro STACK_PopStack_5 _a _b _c _d _e
        Pop ${_a}
        !insertmacro STACK_PopStack_4 ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e}
    !macro STACK_PopStack_6 _a _b _c _d _e _f
        Pop ${_a}
        !insertmacro STACK_PopStack_5 ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f}
    !macro STACK_PopStack_7 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g
        Pop ${_a}
        !insertmacro STACK_PopStack_6 ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g}
    !macro STACK_PopStack_8 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h
        Pop ${_a}
        !insertmacro STACK_PopStack_7 ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g} ${_h}
    !macro STACK_PopStack_9 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h _i
        Pop ${_a}
        !insertmacro STACK_PopStack_8 ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g} ${_h} ${_i}
    !macro STACK_PopStack_10 _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h _i _j
        Pop ${_a}
        !insertmacro STACK_PopStack_9 ${_b} ${_c} ${_d} ${_e} ${_f} ${_g} ${_h} ${_i} ${_j}
    !define PopStack "!insertmacro STACK_PopStack_"
## Delete Stack
    !define DelStack `!insertmacro _STACK_DelStack`
    !macro _STACK_DelStack _Count
        ${STACK_TEMP_VAR} `Count` ``
        ${STACK_TEMP_VAR} `Pop`   ``
        ${For} $STACK_TEMP_VAR_Count 1 ${_Count}
            Pop $STACK_TEMP_VAR_Pop
## Insert Stack  
    !define InsertStack "!insertmacro InsertStack"
    !macro InsertStack _n _v
        !if ${_n} > 21
            !error `$ {InsertStack} index is greater than maximum of 21: Index = ${_n}`
        !if ${_n} < 1
            !error `$ {InsertStack} index is less than minimum of 1: Index = ${_n}`
        Push `${_v}`
        !if ${_n} = 21
            Exch 20
        !if ${_n} >= 20
            Exch 19
        !if ${_n} >= 19
            Exch 18
        !if ${_n} >= 18
            Exch 17
        !if ${_n} >= 17
            Exch 16
        !if ${_n} >= 16
            Exch 15
        !if ${_n} >= 15
            Exch 14
        !if ${_n} >= 14
            Exch 13
        !if ${_n} >= 13
            Exch 12
        !if ${_n} >= 12
            Exch 11
        !if ${_n} >= 11
            Exch 10
        !if ${_n} >= 10
            Exch 9
        !if ${_n} >= 9
            Exch 8
        !if ${_n} >= 8
            Exch 7
        !if ${_n} >= 7
            Exch 6
        !if ${_n} >= 6
            Exch 5
        !if ${_n} >= 5
            Exch 4
        !if ${_n} >= 4
            Exch 3
        !if ${_n} >= 3
            Exch 2
        !if ${_n} >= 2
            Exch 1
## Move Stack 
    !define MoveStack "!insertMacro STACK_MoveStack"
    !macro STACK_MoveStack _s _d
        ## Parameter Checks
            !if ! ${_s} > 0
                !error `MoveStack Error: Source index invalid.  Index=${_s}`
            !else if ! ${_d} > 0
                !error `MoveStack Error: Destination index invalid.  Index=${_d}`
            !else if ${_s} = ${_d}
                !error `MoveStack Error: Destination index is the same as Source Index.  Index=${_s}`
            !else if ${_s} >= 20
                !error `MoveStack Error: Source index invalid.  Index=${_s}`
            !else if ${_d} >= 20
                !error `MoveStack Error: Destination index invalid.  Index=${_d}`
        ## Get offsets
            !define /math _src ${_s} - 1
            !define /math _dst ${_d} - 1
        ## If choose algorithm based on relative positions
            !if ${_s} > ${_d}
                /* Example 9 3
                           # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                    Exch 2 # 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9
                    Exch 3 # 4 2 1 3 5 6 7 8 9
                    Exch 4 # 5 2 1 3 4 6 7 8 9
                    Exch 5 # 6 2 1 3 4 5 7 8 9
                    Exch 6 # 7 2 1 3 4 5 6 8 9
                    Exch 7 # 8 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 9
                    Exch 8 # 9 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8
                    Exch 2 # 1 2 9 3 4 5 6 7 8
                !if ${_d} <= 2
                    !if ${_s} >= 2
                !if ${_d} <= 3
                    !if ${_s} >= 3
                        Exch 2
                !if ${_d} <= 4
                    !if ${_s} >= 4
                        Exch 3
                !if ${_d} <= 5
                    !if ${_s} >= 5
                        Exch 4
                !if ${_d} <= 6
                    !if ${_s} >= 6
                        Exch 5
                !if ${_d} <= 7
                    !if ${_s} >= 7
                        Exch 6
                !if ${_d} <= 8
                    !if ${_s} >= 8
                        Exch 7
                !if ${_d} <= 9
                    !if ${_s} >= 9
                        Exch 8
                !if ${_d} <= 10
                    !if ${_s} >= 10
                        Exch 9
                !if ${_d} <= 11
                    !if ${_s} >= 11
                        Exch 10
                !if ${_d} <= 12
                    !if ${_s} >= 12
                        Exch 11
                !if ${_d} <= 13
                    !if ${_s} >= 13
                        Exch 12
                !if ${_d} <= 14
                    !if ${_s} >= 14
                        Exch 13
                !if ${_d} <= 15
                    !if ${_s} >= 15
                        Exch 14
                !if ${_d} <= 16
                    !if ${_s} >= 16
                        Exch 15
                !if ${_d} <= 17
                    !if ${_s} >= 17
                        Exch 16
                !if ${_d} <= 18
                    !if ${_s} >= 18
                        Exch 17
                !if ${_d} <= 19
                    !if ${_s} >= 19
                        Exch 18
                !if ${_d} <= 20
                    !if ${_s} >= 20
                        Exch 19
                !if ${_dst} != 0
                    Exch ${_dst}
            !else if ${_s} < ${_d}
                /* Example 3 9
                           # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                    Exch 2 # 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9
                    Exch 8 # 9 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 3
                    Exch 7 # 8 2 1 4 5 6 7 9 3
                    Exch 6 # 7 2 1 4 5 6 8 9 3
                    Exch 5 # 6 2 1 4 5 7 8 9 3
                    Exch 4 # 5 2 1 4 6 7 8 9 3
                    Exch 3 # 4 2 1 5 6 7 8 9 3
                    Exch 2 # 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 3
                !if ! ${_s} = 1
                    Exch ${_src}
                !if ${_d} >= 20
                    Exch 19
                !if ${_s} <= 19
                    !if ${_d} >= 19
                        Exch 18
                !if ${_s} <= 18
                    !if ${_d} >= 18
                        Exch 17
                !if ${_s} <= 17
                    !if ${_d} >= 17
                        Exch 16
                !if ${_s} <= 16
                    !if ${_d} >= 16
                        Exch 15
                !if ${_s} <= 15
                    !if ${_d} >= 15
                        Exch 14
                !if ${_s} <= 14
                    !if ${_d} >= 14
                        Exch 13
                !if ${_s} <= 13
                    !if ${_d} >= 13
                        Exch 12
                !if ${_s} <= 12
                    !if ${_d} >= 12
                        Exch 11
                !if ${_s} <= 11
                    !if ${_d} >= 11
                        Exch 10
                !if ${_s} <= 10
                    !if ${_d} >= 10
                        Exch 9
                !if ${_s} <= 9
                    !if ${_d} >= 9
                        Exch 8
                !if ${_s} <= 8
                    !if ${_d} >= 8
                        Exch 7
                !if ${_s} <= 7
                    !if ${_d} >= 7
                        Exch 6
                !if ${_s} <= 6
                    !if ${_d} >= 6
                        Exch 5
                !if ${_s} <= 5
                    !if ${_d} >= 5
                        Exch 4
                !if ${_s} <= 4
                    !if ${_d} >= 4
                        Exch 3
                !if ${_s} <= 3
                    !if ${_d} >= 3
                        Exch 2
                !if ${_s} <= 2
        !undef _src
        !undef _dst