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Author: deguix (talk, contrib)


Requires: LogicLib header file and System plug-in.

Version: 2.0.1.

Makes an action with the clipboard. This function can clean the clipboard, set or get a value to/from clipboard or swap values.

How To Use


${StrClb} "ResultVar" "String" "Action"


Push "String"
Push "Action"
Call StrClb
Pop "ResultVar"


Variable where the value from the clipboard is retrieved when Action is "<" or "<>". If the clipboard is empty or filled with non-recognizable data as text at the time, an empty value is returned.
WARNING: This value requires a variable, even when it's not needed. In this occasion, the return value is an empty string. You should reserve a variable for this occasion.
String to set to the clipboard when Action is ">" or "<>".
NOTE: The value will always be considered text.
Specifies an action to do with the clipboard. The value of this parameter can be the following:
empty value
Clear clipboard.
Set the value from the String parameter to the clipboard.
Get the value from the clipboard to ResultVar parameter.
Swap the value from the String parameter with the clipboard's, which is returned to ResultVar parameter.


${StrClb} $0 "This is just an example" ">"
${StrClb} $0 "" "<"
;$0 = "This is just an example"
${StrClb} $0 "This is another example" "<>"
;$0 = "This is just an example"
${StrClb} $0 "" ""
;$0 = ""

Function Code

!define StrClb "!insertmacro StrClb"
!macro StrClb ResultVar String Action
  Push "${String}"
  Push "${Action}"
  Call StrClb
  Pop "${ResultVar}"
Function StrClb
/*After this point:
  $0 = String (input)
  $1 = Action (input)
  $2 = Lock/Unlock (temp)
  $3 = Temp (temp)
  $4 = Temp2 (temp)*/
  ;Get input from user
  Exch $1
  Exch $0
  Push $2
  Push $3
  Push $4
  StrCpy $2 ""
  StrCpy $3 ""
  StrCpy $4 ""
  ;Open the clipboard to do the operations the user chose (kichik's fix)
  System::Call 'user32::OpenClipboard(i $HWNDPARENT)'
  ${If} $1 == ">" ;Set
    ;Step 1: Clear the clipboard
    System::Call 'user32::EmptyClipboard()'
    ;Step 2: Allocate global heap
    StrLen $2 $0
    IntOp $2 $2 + 1
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalAlloc(i 2, i r2) i.r2'
    ;Step 3: Lock the handle
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(i r2) i.r3'
    ;Step 4: Copy the text to locked clipboard buffer
    System::Call 'kernel32::lstrcpyA(i r3, t r0)'
    ;Step 5: Unlock the handle again
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(i r2)'
    ;Step 6: Set the information to the clipboard
    System::Call 'user32::SetClipboardData(i 1, i r2)'
    StrCpy $0 ""
  ${ElseIf} $1 == "<" ;Get
    ;Step 1: Get clipboard data
    System::Call 'user32::GetClipboardData(i 1) i .r2'
    ;Step 2: Lock and copy data (kichik's fix)
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(i r2) t .r0'
    ;Step 3: Unlock (kichik's fix)
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(i r2)'
  ${ElseIf} $1 == "<>" ;Swap
    ;Step 1: Get clipboard data
    System::Call 'user32::GetClipboardData(i 1) i .r2'
    ;Step 2: Lock and copy data (kichik's fix)
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(i r2) t .r4'
    ;Step 3: Unlock (kichik's fix)
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(i r2)'
    ;Step 4: Clear the clipboard
    System::Call 'user32::EmptyClipboard()'
    ;Step 5: Allocate global heap
    StrLen $2 $0
    IntOp $2 $2 + 1
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalAlloc(i 2, i r2) i.r2'
    ;Step 6: Lock the handle
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(i r2) i.r3'
    ;Step 7: Copy the text to locked clipboard buffer
    System::Call 'kernel32::lstrcpyA(i r3, t r0)'
    ;Step 8: Unlock the handle again
    System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(i r2)'
    ;Step 9: Set the information to the clipboard
    System::Call 'user32::SetClipboardData(i 1, i r2)'
    StrCpy $0 $4
  ${Else} ;Clear
    ;Step 1: Clear the clipboard
    System::Call 'user32::EmptyClipboard()'
    StrCpy $0 ""
  ;Close the clipboard
  System::Call 'user32::CloseClipboard()'
/*After this point:
  $0 = ResultVar (output)*/
  ;Return result to user
  Pop $4
  Pop $3
  Pop $2
  Pop $1
  Exch $0

Versions History

  • Fixed the return of text when Action parameter value was equal to "<>".


Author: Diego Pedroso (deguix)
Based on CopyToClipboard and CopyFromClipboard functions.