Talk:TaskbarProgress plug-in

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Very Slick..

I don't have Win7 yet, but I have to admit that is pretty slick. Good Work ;o) Zinthose 19:19, 10 November 2009 (UTC)

Only on InstFiles?

I'm curious as to whether this plugin could be decoupled from the InstFiles page, for those users who may override the existing progressbar (e.g. using the RealProgress plugin), or simply want to show progress outside of the InstFiles page. I'm guessing that this could be done using the System plugin, actually.. ole32::CoCreateInstance to create the ITaskBarList3 interface, and then call the appropriate member function index for SetProgressValue?

The plugin will probably work on any page that has a normal progress bar (class=msctls_progress32) in the inner dialog (It has not been tested, but should work) If not you could call the COM interface with the system plugin like you suggested. --Anders 23:52, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Done. Set Taskbar button progress ZeBoxx 22:03, 13 June 2010 (UTC)