Uninstall only installed files

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Author: Afrow UK (talk, contrib)


This code was written for Rookie12 a long while back. So many people have asked the same question since, so I thought that it was a good idea to put it up on here.

Macros updated 26th February 2013

  • Added the RestoreFiles macro.

This Macro is used when restoring files using the information found in an uninstall log. The RestoreFile Macro does not function for this purpose (Seems to be an issue with the Rename function.) As a result I created this one with the Copy Function. This macro also only uses 2 variables vs three for RestoreFile.


Macros updated 24th February 2013

  • Added the BackupFiles macro.

This Macro is used when backing up a file before the installer replaces the file.


Macros updated 23th February 2013

  • Added BackupFile macro.
  • Added RestoreFile macro.
  • Fixed a flaw in the "Files" macro.
- The third line of the macro
    File "${FilePath}\${FileName}"
  was changed to:
    File "${FileName}"


Script updated 7th December 2011

  • Added WriteIniStr macro.
  • Added
    RMDir "$INSTDIR"
    Delete "$INSTDIR\${UninstLog}"
    because previous log entries will fail the remove because of the presence the log file.


Entire script updated 20th October 2010

  • Added macros for WriteRegStr and WriteRegDWORD.
  • The script can now process the addition and removal of registry values as well as files.
  • Added StrCmp, to the uninstaller code, to determine if the item is a Registry Value.
  • Broke the code into a macro file; added to the main script via an !include, this should help keep your scripts clean and allow reuse of the macros.


Entire script updated 12th May 2006

  • Added functions for AddItem, CopyFiles and Rename.
  • RMDir /r removed.
  • Log file now read in reverse order.


Script updated 28 Sep 2006

  • Fix issue where uninstall.log is not created if $INSTDIR doesn't already exist
  • Fix infinite loop on uninstall - "last" line (actually first line) of uninstall.log is read over and over again

- Anonymoose

Script updated 08 Nov 2006

  • Uninstaller now deletes itself and $INSTDIR

- mark

Script updated 27 April 2007

  • Removed Delete instruction to delete the uninstaller and added ${WriteUninstaller} instead.
  • RMDir $INSDIR was repeated from last update.

- Afrow UK

Script updated 18 August 2009

  • Added ${CreateShortcut} macro based on ${File}.

- Adm.Wiggin

Script updated 28 Dec 2009

  • Uninstaller now works faster (it needs to parse uninstall.log only one time)

- Aleppin

The Macro Script

Take the next chunk of code and save it to a file called UnInstallLog.nsh in %ProgramFiles%\NSIS\Include\.

;AddItem macro
  !macro AddItem Path
    FileWrite $UninstLog "${Path}$\r$\n"
;File macro
  !macro File FileName
     IfFileExists "$OUTDIR\${FileName}" +2
     FileWrite $UninstLog "$OUTDIR\${FileName}$\r$\n"
     File "${FileName}"
;CreateShortCut macro
  !macro CreateShortCut FilePath FilePointer Pamameters Icon IconIndex
    FileWrite $UninstLog "${FilePath}$\r$\n"
    CreateShortCut "${FilePath}" "${FilePointer}" "${Pamameters}" "${Icon}" "${IconIndex}"
;Copy files macro
  !macro CopyFiles SourcePath DestPath
    IfFileExists "${DestPath}" +2
    FileWrite $UninstLog "${DestPath}$\r$\n"
    CopyFiles "${SourcePath}" "${DestPath}"
;Rename macro
  !macro Rename SourcePath DestPath
    IfFileExists "${DestPath}" +2
    FileWrite $UninstLog "${DestPath}$\r$\n"
    Rename "${SourcePath}" "${DestPath}"
;CreateDirectory macro
  !macro CreateDirectory Path
    CreateDirectory "${Path}"
    FileWrite $UninstLog "${Path}$\r$\n"
;SetOutPath macro
  !macro SetOutPath Path
    SetOutPath "${Path}"
    FileWrite $UninstLog "${Path}$\r$\n"
;WriteUninstaller macro
  !macro WriteUninstaller Path
    WriteUninstaller "${Path}"
    FileWrite $UninstLog "${Path}$\r$\n"
;WriteIniStr macro
  !macro WriteIniStr IniFile SectionName EntryName NewValue
     IfFileExists "${IniFile}" +2
     FileWrite $UninstLog "${IniFile}$\r$\n"
     WriteIniStr "${IniFile}" "${SectionName}" "${EntryName}" "${NewValue}"
;WriteRegStr macro
  !macro WriteRegStr RegRoot UnInstallPath Key Value
     FileWrite $UninstLog "${RegRoot} ${UnInstallPath}$\r$\n"
     WriteRegStr "${RegRoot}" "${UnInstallPath}" "${Key}" "${Value}"
;WriteRegDWORD macro
  !macro WriteRegDWORD RegRoot UnInstallPath Key Value
     FileWrite $UninstLog "${RegRoot} ${UnInstallPath}$\r$\n"
     WriteRegDWORD "${RegRoot}" "${UnInstallPath}" "${Key}" "${Value}"
;BackupFile macro
  !macro BackupFile FILE_DIR FILE BACKUP_TO
   IfFileExists "${BACKUP_TO}\*.*" +2
    CreateDirectory "${BACKUP_TO}"
   IfFileExists "${FILE_DIR}\${FILE}" 0 +2
    Rename "${FILE_DIR}\${FILE}" "${BACKUP_TO}\${FILE}"
;RestoreFile macro
  !macro RestoreFile BUP_DIR FILE RESTORE_TO
   IfFileExists "${BUP_DIR}\${FILE}" 0 +2
    Rename "${BUP_DIR}\${FILE}" "${RESTORE_TO}\${FILE}"
;BackupFiles macro
  !macro BackupFiles FILE_DIR FILE BACKUP_TO
   IfFileExists "${BACKUP_TO}\*.*" +2
    CreateDirectory "22222"
   IfFileExists "${FILE_DIR}\${FILE}" 0 +7
    FileWrite $UninstLog "${FILE_DIR}\${FILE}$\r$\n"
    FileWrite $UninstLog "${BACKUP_TO}\${FILE}$\r$\n"
    FileWrite $UninstLog "FileBackup$\r$\n"
    Rename "${FILE_DIR}\${FILE}" "${BACKUP_TO}\${FILE}"
    SetOutPath "${FILE_DIR}"
    File "${FILE}" #After the Original file is backed up write the new file.
;RestoreFiles macro
  !macro RestoreFiles BUP_FILE RESTORE_FILE
   IfFileExists "${BUP_FILE}" 0 +2
    CopyFiles "${BUP_FILE}" "${RESTORE_FILE}"

The Script

Now add the include to the top of your script:

!include "UninstallLog.nsh"

The next chunk of code goes before all your sections, in your script…

; Configure UnInstall log to only remove what is installed
  ;Set the name of the uninstall log
    !define UninstLog "uninstall.log"
    Var UninstLog
  ;The root registry to write to
    !define REG_ROOT "HKLM"
  ;The registry path to write to
    !define REG_APP_PATH "SOFTWARE\appname"
  ;Uninstall log file missing.
    LangString UninstLogMissing ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${UninstLog} not found!$\r$\nUninstallation cannot proceed!"
  ;AddItem macro
    !define AddItem "!insertmacro AddItem"
  ;BackupFile macro
    !define BackupFile "!insertmacro BackupFile" 
  ;BackupFiles macro
    !define BackupFiles "!insertmacro BackupFiles" 
  ;Copy files macro
    !define CopyFiles "!insertmacro CopyFiles"
  ;CreateDirectory macro
    !define CreateDirectory "!insertmacro CreateDirectory"
  ;CreateShortcut macro
    !define CreateShortcut "!insertmacro CreateShortcut"
  ;File macro
    !define File "!insertmacro File"
  ;Rename macro
    !define Rename "!insertmacro Rename"
  ;RestoreFile macro
    !define RestoreFile "!insertmacro RestoreFile"    
  ;RestoreFiles macro
    !define RestoreFiles "!insertmacro RestoreFiles"
  ;SetOutPath macro
    !define SetOutPath "!insertmacro SetOutPath"
  ;WriteRegDWORD macro
    !define WriteRegDWORD "!insertmacro WriteRegDWORD" 
  ;WriteRegStr macro
    !define WriteRegStr "!insertmacro WriteRegStr"
  ;WriteUninstaller macro
    !define WriteUninstaller "!insertmacro WriteUninstaller"
  Section -openlogfile
    CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR"
    IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\${UninstLog}" +3
      FileOpen $UninstLog "$INSTDIR\${UninstLog}" w
    Goto +4
      SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\${UninstLog}" NORMAL
      FileOpen $UninstLog "$INSTDIR\${UninstLog}" a
      FileSeek $UninstLog 0 END

Your sections, (the ones that add files,) need to be placed "here" (between the above and below chunks of code) in your script.

Instead of using File, CreateShortCut, CopyFiles, Rename, CreateDirectory, SetOutPath, WriteUninstaller, WriteINIStr, WriteRegStr and WriteRegDWORD instructions in your sections, use ${AddItem}, ${File}, ${CreateShortcut}, ${CopyFiles}, ${Rename}, ${CreateDirectory}, ${SetOutPath}, ${WriteUninstaller}, ${WriteIniStr}, ${WriteRegStr} and ${WriteRegDWORD} instead.

Please note: when using ${SetOutPath} to create more than one upper level directory, e.g.:
${SetOutPath} "$INSTDIR\dir1\dir2\dir3", you need to add entries for each lower level directory for them all to be deleted:

${AddItem} "$INSTDIR\dir1"
${AddItem} "$INSTDIR\dir1\dir2"
${SetOutPath} "$INSTDIR\dir1\dir2\dir3"

The Following is an example of what your sections may look like…

Section "Install Main"
SectionIn RO
 ${SetOutPath} $INSTDIR
 ${WriteUninstaller} "uninstall.exe"
 ${File} "dir1\" "file1.ext"
 ${File} "dir1\" "file2.ext"
 ${File} "dir1\" "file3.ext"
 ;Write the installation path into the registry
   ${WriteRegStr} "${REG_ROOT}" "${REG_APP_PATH}" "Install Directory" "$INSTDIR"
 ;Write the Uninstall information into the registry
   ${WriteRegStr} ${REG_ROOT} "${UNINSTALL_PATH}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
Section "Install Other"
 ${AddItem} "$INSTDIR\Other"
 ${SetOutPath} "$INSTDIR\Other\Temp"
 ${File} "dir2\" "file4.ext"
 ${File} "dir2\" "file5.ext"
 ${File} "dir2\" "file6.ext"
Section "Copy Files & Rename"
 ${CreateDirectory} "$INSTDIR\backup"
 ${CopyFiles} "$INSTDIR\file1.ext" "$INSTDIR\backup\file1.ext"
 ${Rename} "$INSTDIR\file2.ext" "$INSTDIR\file1.ext"

The next chunk of code comes after all of your sections, in your script…

; Uninstaller
Section Uninstall
  ;Can't uninstall if uninstall log is missing!
  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\${UninstLog}" +3
    MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UninstLogMissing)"
  Push $R0
  Push $R1
  Push $R2
  SetFileAttributes "$INSTDIR\${UninstLog}" NORMAL
  FileOpen $UninstLog "$INSTDIR\${UninstLog}" r
  StrCpy $R1 -1
    FileRead $UninstLog $R0
    IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1
    StrCpy $R0 $R0 -2
    Push $R0   
    IfErrors 0 GetLineCount
  Pop $R0
    StrCmp $R1 0 LoopDone
    Pop $R0
    IfFileExists "$R0\*.*" 0 +3
      RMDir $R0  #is dir
    Goto +9
    IfFileExists $R0 0 +3
      Delete $R0 #is file
    Goto +6
    StrCmp $R0 "${REG_ROOT} ${REG_APP_PATH}" 0 +3
      DeleteRegKey ${REG_ROOT} "${REG_APP_PATH}" #is Reg Element
    Goto +3
    StrCmp $R0 "${REG_ROOT} ${UNINSTALL_PATH}" 0 +2
      DeleteRegKey ${REG_ROOT} "${UNINSTALL_PATH}" #is Reg Element
    IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1
    Goto LoopRead
  FileClose $UninstLog
  Delete "$INSTDIR\${UninstLog}"
  Pop $R2
  Pop $R1
  Pop $R0
  ;Remove registry keys
    ;DeleteRegKey ${REG_ROOT} "${REG_APP_PATH}"
    ;DeleteRegKey ${REG_ROOT} "${UNINSTALL_PATH}"
