VBScript Include
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Author: Zinthose (talk, contrib) |
This is mostly a proof of concept that demonstrates a way to use VBScripts within your NSIS packages. I primarily developed this as a way to keep all your code that is relevant to the current project inline. When compiled, the VBScripts are dynamically created and executed. Take a look at the example and use your imagination.
## Execute a script at compile time and !include the output ${VBS} NEW ${VBS} `PackageName = Left(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid, 38)` ## Create a new Guid ${VBS} `PackageName = InputBox("What is the Package Name?", "NSIS VBScript", PackageName)` ## Prompt programmer for Package Name with a new guid as the default ${VBS} `WScript.Echo "!define PACKAGENAME '" & PackageName & "'"` ## Echo message to file to included ${VBS} !Include ## Execute a script at compile time ${VBS} NEW ${VBS} `WScript.echo "Hello Programmer!"` ## Greet the programmer! ${VBS} !Execute ## Execute a vbscript at runtime ${VBS} NEW ${VBS} `UsersName = InputBox("What is your Name?", "${PACKAGENAME}")` ## Display an input box to the user to ask for name ${VBS} `WScript.Echo "User claims his/her name is " & UsersName` ## This will echo to the detail view ${VBS} `MsgBox "Hello " & UsersName, 0, "Hello User"` ## Greet the user! ${VBS} `If MsgBox("Do you want to win the lottery?", 4, "${PACKAGENAME}") = 6 Then` ## Ask the user a question ${VBS} ` WScript.Echo "User wants to win the lottery"` ${VBS} `Else` ${VBS} ` WScript.Echo "User is a liar!"` ${VBS} `End If` ${VBS} Execute ## Get the results from the script's execution (Uses nsExec::Exec syntax) Pop $0 DetailPrint `RC:$0`
!ifndef __VBSCRIPT__ !define __VBSCRIPT__ 1 /* vbscript.nsi ---------------------------------------------------------------- Simplifies execution of VBScripts from nsis. This is targeted to be primarily used as part of the precompiler but has limited support for runtim use although not recommended. ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ !macro _VBS_New !ifdef _VBScriptFile !delfile "${_VBScriptFile}" !undef _VBScriptFile !endif !tempfile _VBScriptFile !verbose 4 !echo `VBS NEW = ${_VBScriptFile}` !verbose 3 !macroend !macro _VBS_Append _ScriptLine !ifndef _VBScriptFile !insertmacro _VBS_New !endif !verbose 4 !echo `VBS <-- ${_ScriptLine}` !verbose 3 !appendfile "${_VBScriptFile}" `${_ScriptLine}$\n` !macroend !macro _VBS_Include !ifdef _OutFile !undef _OutFile !endif !ifndef _VBScriptFile !error "No script defined!" !endif !tempfile _OutFile !system `"%windir%\System32\CScript.exe" "${_VBScriptFile}" //E:VBS //NOLOGO > "${_OutFile}"` !include "${_OutFile}" !delfile "${_OutFile}" !verbose 4 !echo `VBS INC ${_VBScriptFile}` !verbose 3 !macroend !macro _VBS_Execute !ifndef _VBScriptFile !error "No script defined!" !endif !system `"%windir%\System32\wScript.exe" "${_VBScriptFile}" //E:VBS //NOLOGO` !macroend !macro _VBS _Operator !verbose push !verbose 3 !if `${_Operator}` == `NEW` !insertmacro _VBS_New !else if `${_Operator}` == `!INCLUDE` !insertmacro _VBS_Include !else if `${_Operator}` == `!EXECUTE` !insertmacro _VBS_Execute !else if `${_Operator}` == `EXECUTE` !ifndef _VBScriptFile !error "No script defined!" !endif !ifndef __VBS__EXECUTE_FIRSTRUN__ !define __VBS__EXECUTE_FIRSTRUN__ !warning "It is not recomended to execute scripts at runtime as antivirus software will likley block script execution." InitPluginsDir !endif File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\vbstmp.vbs `${_VBScriptFile}` nsExec::ExecToLog `cScript.exe "$PLUGINSDIR\vbstmp.vbs" //E:VBS //NOLOGO` !else !insertmacro _VBS_Append `${_Operator}` !endif !verbose pop !macroend !define VBS "!insertmacro _VBS" !endif