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I searched a lot for a way to combine these 2 features using the NSIS script and I finally gave up. I wrote a small Python script that generates a pair of lists, to be included in a pair of sections (install and uninstall) in your .nsi script. I post hereafter the python scrip. Here is the small .bat that you would use to call in sequence that script and the NSIS build.
I searched a lot for a way to combine these 2 features using the NSIS script and I finally gave up. I wrote a small Python script that generates a pair of lists, to be included in a pair of sections (install and uninstall) in your .nsi script. I post hereafter the python scrip. Here is the small .bat that you would use to call in sequence that script and the NSIS build.
Good luck and have fun,
adrian DOT neagu AT scansoft DOT com

python %LOCATION_SOURCES%  install_list.nsh  uninstall_list.nsh
python %LOCATION_SOURCES%  install_list.nsh  uninstall_list.nsh
Line 123: Line 129:

And your NSIS script would look something like this:
And your NSIS script (my_product.nsi) would look something like this:

Revision as of 18:34, 21 April 2006

The solution presented here to uninstall only the files we installed works fine. There is only one shortcoming: the list of files has to be known beforehand. This solution actually overloads File in a way that denies the recursive switch. Meaning that the created installation log is only useful if you don’t grab all the files from one source directory in your installer: File /r <my_dir>

I searched a lot for a way to combine these 2 features using the NSIS script and I finally gave up. I wrote a small Python script that generates a pair of lists, to be included in a pair of sections (install and uninstall) in your .nsi script. I post hereafter the python scrip. Here is the small .bat that you would use to call in sequence that script and the NSIS build.

Good luck and have fun, adrian DOT neagu AT scansoft DOT com

python %LOCATION_SOURCES% install_list.nsh uninstall_list.nsh

"C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis.exe" /DINST_LIST=install_list.nsh /DUNINST_LIST=uninstall_list.nsh my_product.nsi

The Script

This script generates 2 lists of NSIS commands (install&uninstall)
for all files in a given directory
Usage:  <dir src> <inst list> <uninst list>
    <dir src>       :   dir with sources; must exist
    <inst list>     :   list of files to install (NSIS syntax)
    <uninst list>   :   list of files to uninstall (NSIS syntax)
                        (both these will be overwriten each time)
import sys, os, glob
# global settings
just_print_flag = 0 # turn to 1 for debugging
# templates for the output
inst_dir_tpl  = '  SetOutPath $INSTDIR%s'
inst_file_tpl = '  File ${FILES_SOURCE_PATH}%s'
uninst_file_tpl = '  Delete $INSTDIR%s'
uninst_dir_tpl  = '  RMDir $INSTDIR%s'
# check args
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    print __doc__
source_dir = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.isdir(source_dir):
    print __doc__
def open_file_for_writting(filename):
    "return a handle to the file to write to"
        h = file(filename, "w")
        print "Problem opening file %s for writting"%filename
        print __doc__
    return h
inst_list = sys.argv[2]
uninst_list = sys.argv[3]
if not just_print_flag:
    ih= open_file_for_writting(inst_list)
    uh= open_file_for_writting(uninst_list)
stack_of_visited = []
counter_files = 0
counter_dirs = 0
print "Generating the install & uninstall list of files"
print "  for directory", source_dir
print >> ih,  "  ; Files to install\n"
print >> uh,  "  ; Files and dirs to remove\n"
# man page of walk() in Python 2.2  (the new one in 2.4 is easier to use)
# os.path.walk(path, visit, arg) 
    #~ Calls the function visit with arguments (arg, dirname, names) for each directory 
    #~ in the directory tree rooted at path (including path itself, if it is a directory). 
    #~ The argument dirname specifies the visited directory, the argument names lists 
    #~ the files in the directory (gotten from os.listdir(dirname)). The visit function 
    #~ may modify names to influence the set of directories visited below dirname, 
    #~ e.g., to avoid visiting certain parts of the tree. (The object referred to by names 
    #~ must be modified in place, using del or slice assignment.) 
def my_visitor(my_stack, cur_dir, files_and_dirs):
    "add files to the install list and accumulate files for the uninstall list"
    global counter_dirs, counter_files, stack_of_visited
    counter_dirs += 1
    if just_print_flag:
        print "here", my_dir
    # first separate files
    my_files = [x for x in files_and_dirs if os.path.isfile(cur_dir+os.sep+x)]
    # and truncate dir name
    my_dir = cur_dir[len(source_dir):]
    if my_dir=="": my_dir = "\\."
    # save it for uninstall
    stack_of_visited.append( (my_files, my_dir) )
    # build install list
    if len(my_files):
        print >> ih,  inst_dir_tpl % my_dir
        for f in my_files:
            print >> ih,  inst_file_tpl % my_dir+os.sep+f
            counter_files += 1
        print >> ih, "  "
os.path.walk( source_dir, my_visitor,  stack_of_visited)
print "Install list done"
print "  ", counter_files, "files in", counter_dirs, "dirs"
# Now build the uninstall list
for (my_files, my_dir) in stack_of_visited:
        for f in my_files:
            print >> uh,  uninst_file_tpl % my_dir+os.sep+f
        print >> uh, uninst_dir_tpl % my_dir
        print >> uh, "  "
# now close everything
print "Uninstall list done. Got to end.\n"

And your NSIS script (my_product.nsi) would look something like this:

;  the stuff to install
Section "" ; No components page, name is not important
  !include  ${INST_LIST} ; the payload of this installer is described in an externally generated list of files
  ;File /r "${FILES_SOURCE_PATH}\*.*" ; not OK because with /r we can not log what was installed
                                      ; and without logging we cannot uninstall only the files installed by us
;  uninstaller 
Section "Uninstall"
  ; Remove the files (using externally generated file list)
  !include ${UNINST_LIST}  
  ; Remove uninstaller
  Delete $INSTDIR\uninst*.exe
  RMDir $INSTDIR ; this is safe; it's not forced if you still have private files there.
  ; Important note: RMDir /r "$INSTDIR"  ; is NOT OK!
  ; if the user installed in "C:\Program Files" by mistake, then we totally screw up his machine!
SectionEnd ; Uninstall